Predominant Species Dynamic and Diversity of Fungal Endophytes in Barks of Two Populus Cultivars Effects of fungal endophyte infection on soil properties and microbial communities in the host grass habitat Locoweed and advances in research on toxic components Effects of endophyte and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of Leymus chinensis The Identification of a Fungal Endophyte of Suaeda salsa and Preliminarily Research on Active Products of Promoting Growth Isolation, Identification and Diversity Analysis of Fungal Endophyte in Astragalus strictus Diversity and tissue distribution of fungal endophytes in Alpinia officinarum:an important south-China medicinal plant Correlation analysis between foliar endophytic fungi of Salvia miltiorrhiza and effective components Effects of fungal endophytes on cell suspension culture of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum Predominant Species Dynamic and Diversity of Fungal Endophytes in Barks of Populus×euramericana Preparation and Regeneration of Protoplasts Isolated from Embellisia Fungal Endophyte of Oxytropis glabra Elicitation on Artemisinin Biosynthesis in Artemisia annua Hairy Roots by the Oligosaccharide Extract from the Endophytic Colletotrichumsp. B501 Isolation and Identification of Hemerocallin-Producing Fungal Endophyte A review on ecological consequences of plant-endophyte symbiosis on insect herbivores and their natural enemies Isolation and identification of fungal endophytes from Ophiopogon japonicus and their antimicrobial activities

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