Studies on the Development of Scab Resistant Gene Pool in Wheat Ⅰ.Analysis of the Scab Resistance and Plant Height in Different Recurrent Selection Populations STUDY ON COLLECTION, PRESERVATION AND GENETIC VALUATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES OF POPULUS DELTOIDES BARTR. Screening and Analysis of BAC Clones Containing Flowering Time Gene FLC1 in Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis Olsson Effects of Fargesia denudata density on soil nutrient pool Effects of straw addition on decomposition, transformation and composition of soil organic carbon pool Effects of conversion of evergreen broad-leaved forest to Chinese chestnut plantation on soil organic carbon pools. Spatial differentiation characteristics of forest vegetation carbon stock in Sichuan Province Impacts of exotic plant invasions on terrestrial ecosystem below-ground carboncycling and carbon pool Carbon and Nutrient Pools of Coarse Woody Debris in a Natural Forest and Plantation in Subtropical China Gene system ecology and its application Dynamics of soil P pool in a long-term fertilizing experiment of wheat-maize rotation Ⅰ. Crop yield effect of fertilizer P and dynamics of soil total P and inorganic P Developmental Changes in the Free Amino Acid Pool of Rice(Oryza sativa L. subsp, japonica) Bmbryos THE UTILIZATION OF IN VITRO CULTURE FOR THE SPECIES PRESERVATIVE PROPACATION OF LILIUM L.IN QINLING MOUNTAINS Rapid Screening and Transferability Analysis of Genomic-SSR and EST-SSR Primers in Eucalypt Wild Plants Inhabiting on the Sand Fore-coasts of Shandong Peninsula Effects of different conservation tillage measures on soil organic carbon pool in two sequence rotation systems of spring wheat and pease Impacts of global warming on litter decomposition Effects of Land Uses on Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Pool Management Index Mechanism on the volunteer weeds of herbicide- resistant genetically-modified plants A new approach for keeping large genomic library Isolation of Resistance Gene Candidates by a Resistance Gene Analog of Thinopyrum intermedium and Pooled-PCR Screening of Mutants with Rubisco Resistant to Oxidative Stress from a T-DNA Inserted Rice Population Regional differences in plant diversity in the southern Gurbantonggut desert Coarse woody debris and its function in forest ecosystem Changes of light energy distribution in reaction centers of Citrus unshiu leaf photosystem under different light intensities Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil active carbon pool and root biomass in Neosinocalamus affinis plantation, Rainy Area of West China Nutrient and carbon pools in both natural and artificial Pinus tabulaeformis in Ziwuling Region Effects of long-term straw return on soil fertility, nitrogen pool fractions and crop yields on a fluvo-aquic soil in North China Influence of Karst Rocky Desertification on Soil Carbon Pool in Guizhou Karst valley region Enzyme reaction kinetics, metabolic enzyme phenotype, and metabolites of berberine Effects of fertilization on soil carbon pool management index and enzyme activities in pasture grown soil of the Karst region