Fingerprint study on Xiaochaihu Granules-medicinal materials based on peak pattern matching Plant Mismatch Repair Deficiency and Its Significance for Mutation Breeding Comparison of reproduction ecology of different Ficus awkeotsang strains A DETECTION METHOD FOR POINT MUTATIONS BASED ON CEL I CRUDE EXTRACT ASO-PCR amplified by the primers with mismatches to detect moderately carbendazim-resistant genotype (codon200TTC→TAC) of Fusarium asiaticum New Taxa of Salix L. from West China Symbiotic matching between soybean cultivar Luhuang No.1 and different rhizobia. Characterization of Immunodominant Membrane Protein Gene from Peanut Witches’ Broom Phytoplasma and Bait Plasmid Construction Remote Sensing Estimation of Aboveground Forest Carbon Storage in Daxing‘an Mountains Based on KNN Method Influence on rat intestinal absorption of huanglian alkalis after match pair of
huanglian wuzhuyu
A STUDY ON THE MACHING RELATION BETWEEN DIAMETERS OF DRUMS AND CABLES Research on ecological stoichiometry in bamboos: From biological basis to applications in silviculture of bamboo forests Screening and preliminary application of high efficient soybean rhizobia strains in Sichuan province QUANTITATIVE STUDY ON SEED PLANT FLORA OF CHINA V. FLORISTIC SIMILARITY Experimental study on structure optimization of ginkgolide components Asymptotic window orthoganality projection analytical method is used to decide chromatographic fingerprint peak matching of Semen Cassiae Chromatographic fingerprint peak matching of Semen Cassiae by asymptotic window orthoganality projection analytical method STUDIES ON THE MATING AMONG CLONES OF CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA AT DIFFERENT AGES New advances in effects of global warming on plant-pollinator networks Research on exploiting wheat-maize grain yield theory and technology in the eastern low plain of Hebei Province Research on the Application of Stereo Vision Technology on Measuring Tree Distribution Pattern Effects of Varied Fertilization Strategy with N,P,K Nutrients on the Growth of Acacia mangium Saplings Influence of match-pair of huanglian-rougui on rat intestinal absorption of total huanglian alkali Risk Assessment and Spread Potential of Alien Wetland Plant Species Thalia dealbatain China Influence of combined application of green manure and inorganic fertilizerson cotton growth and fertilizer use efficiency in Huanghuaihai Area RESEARCH ON THE BEST MATCH PARAMETERS OF GJ-85 CHAIN SAW Study on fingerprints of Huagai San-medicinal materials based on peak pattern matching

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