Diversity and Community Structure of Endophytic Fungi in the Leaves of Populus simonii in Shaanxi Province Carbon density characteristics of sparse Ulmus pumila forest and Populus simonii plantation in Onqin Daga Sandy Land and their relationships with stand age A Study on the Stem Sap Flow of Ind ividualTrees of Populus simonii underD ifferentWeather Conditions in Rainy Season in Guanting Reservoir Species Diversity and Community Stability of Populus simonii Plantations in Different Habitats in Hilly Area of the Loess Plateau The absorption and accumulation of heavy metals pollutants in plant along highway in western Inner Mongolia Comparison on the Pulping Property between Juvenile and Mature Wood of Populus simonii×P.nigra The hydraulic acclimation of old and dwarf Populus simonii trees growing on sandy soil in northern Shaanxi Province, China STUDY ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF POPULUS SIMONII×P.NIGRA WITH SALT RESISTANCE GENE BET A PLANTS REGENERATED FROM PROTOPLASTS OF POPULUS SIMONII AND VARIATIONS IN ITS ISOENZYME Activities of POD, PPO and PAL in Poplar(Populus simonii×P. pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277’)Leaves Exposed to Different Volatiles The activities of polyphenol oxidase in Populus simonii×P. pyramidalis ‘Opera 8277’ leaves in response to insect herbivory and volatiles exposure In Vitro Germination and Cytology Analysis of Populus simonii×P. nigra Pollen Isolation, Expression and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Analysis ofGA20Ox Gene in Populus simonii FUZZY CLUSTERING ANALYSIS OF EPIDEMIC DYNAMICS AND PRELIM NARY STUDY ON THE PREDICTION OF THE GREY SPOT (CORYNEUM POPULINUM BRES) OF POPULUS SIMONII×NIGRA Cloning and Expression Analysis of PsCCH from Populus simonii under Stresses of Heavy Metal EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE INTERGENERIC CROSS BETWEEN POPULUS SIMONII AND SALIX MATSUDANA VARIATIONS OF HORMONES AND NITROGEN CONTENT IN PROTOPLAST CULTURE OF POPULUS SIMONII Nuclear Invagination and Nuclear Vacuole Formation in Several Plants The correlation analysis between Populus Simonii ecophysiological indexes and environmental factors Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of PsnAP1-1 and PsnAP1-2Genes in Poplar(Populus simonii×Populus nigra) Spatial Growth Differences of Planted Populus simonii and Their Ecological Effects on Soil Moisture in Hilly Loess Regions Effects of mixed decomposition of Populus simonii and other tree species leaf litters on soil properties in Loess Plateau. Rapid Propagation and Regeneration System of Populus simonii×Populus nigra Effects of Defoliations on the Chlorophyll Contents and Biomass of the Poplar (Populus simonii×P. nigra) and Larix gmelinii Seedlings Transformation of Chitinase Gene into Populus simonii×P. nigra and Chitinase Activity of Transgenic Plants

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