Antitumor effect of iridoid ester fraction from Patriniae Radix and its mechanism Experimental studies on the formation of cord blood stromal cell and secretion of GM-CSF induced by Patrinia scabra Studies on chemical constituents of Patrinia villosa THE STUDY OF ACTIVE INGREDEENTS ON 8 TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDCINES BY THE BRINE SHRIMP LETALITY BIOASSAY Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Patrinia scabiasaefolia Fisch. New Taxa of Patrinia from China Studies on chemcial constituents in Patrinia scabiosaefolia Studies on fingerprint of Patriniae Herba Chemical constituents of n-butanol fraction from Patrinia scabra A new species of Patrinia from Gansu Studies on chemical constituents from root of Patrinia scabra Isolation and identification of new acetylated saponin from radix and rhizome of Patrinia scabiosaefolia Chemical constituents of Patrinia scabiosaefolia