Studies on three kinds of fragrant type rose essential oil properties Changing Rules of Components of Cunninghamia lanceolata Thinning Wood in Heat Treating Process Main chemical compositions with volatility in peel essential oil and seed oil of Pittosporum pentandrum var.formosanum capsule Study on essential oil of Qinwei rose Advances in studies on chemical compositions and pharmacological activities of Arnebiae Radix Influence of Age on Chemical Components,Fiber Morphology and Pulping Properties of Broussonetia papyrifera Bark Effect of climate change on the growth and photosynthetic thermal tolerance in the marine macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis Wood Chemical Compositions and Growth Rate Analysis of UGP Transgenic Camptotheca acuminata Researches on Correlation and Geographic Variation in Wood Chemical Compositions of Betula platphylla in Natural Stands Study on Chemical Compositions of Larix kaempferi for Paper-making Biochemical compositions in rhizospheric soil of Robinia pseudoacacia and Sophora japonica and their influence on nutrition or associated poplar Triterpenoids from roots of Rosa laevigata Advances in studies on traditional Tibetan herb Lamiophlomis rotata Rapid identification of chemical composition in safflower with UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Capacity of Essential Oils from Different Species of the Bamboo Leaves Chemical Constituents of Volatile from Pine Needles of Pinus yunnanensis Triterpenoids from roots of Rosa laevigata Relationships between chemical compositions of Quercus species seeds and climatic factors in temperate zone of NSTEC Variation Analysis on Anatomical Properties and Chemical Compositions between Chinese White Poplar and Burl Chemical Compositions and Pulping Properties of Larix kaempferi

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