Correlation and Quantitative Trait Loci Analyses of Total Chlorophyll Content and Photosynthetic Rate of Rice (Oryza sativa) under Water Stress and Well-watered Conditions
A Comparative Analysis of Embryo and Endosperm Proteome from Seeds of Jatropha curcas
New records of orchids from Hainan, China
The tRNA 3′-end Processing Enzyme tRNase Z2 Contributes to Chloroplast Biogenesis in Rice
Genetic Interactions Reveal that Specific Defects of Chloroplast Translation are Associated with the Suppression of var2-Mediated Leaf Variegation
1-Methylcyclopropene and CaCl2 Treatments Affect Lipolytic Enzymes in Fresh-cut Watermelon Fruit
Histological Analysis of the Bamboo Residues after Digestion of Giant Panda
Further Observations on Zosterophllum yunnanicum Hsü
Effects of Light Quality and Norflurazon on the Formation of Plastid Pigments in Cotyledons of Pinus sylvestris
An Ultrastructural Study of the Development of Blepharoplast and the Origin of Multilayered Structure in the Sperm of Lygodium japonicum
Two New Phenylpropanetriol Glycosides in the Fruits of Melia toosendan
Screening,Identification and Distribution of Endophytic Associative Diazotrophs Isolated from Rice Plants
Changes of Photosystem Ⅱ and Respiratory Enzyme Activity in Transgenic Tobacco Enriched BADH Gene
Distribution of Rare Earth Elements and Structure Characterization of Chlorophyll-Lanthanum in a Natural Plant Fern Dicranopteris dichotoma
Effects of Strong Light and Active Oxygen on Photosynthesis in Soybean
Effect of Different Light Quality on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber Leaves
Membrane Injury and PSⅡ Inactivation in Some Subtropical Woody Plants Induced by Photooxidation
A Study on the Leaf Structure of Four Reed Ecotypes
Effects of Rewatering on Light Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Protein Complex of Photosystem Ⅱ in Zea mays
The Effects of the Calmodulin lnhibitors on the Phytochrome Controlled Rotation of Mougeotia Chloroplast
A Cytotoxic Neolignan from Schisandra propinqua (Wall.) Baill.
Pyrgophyllum, a New Genus of Zingiberaceae from China
The Classification of the Cyatheaceae in China
An Analysis of Seasonal Variation of Vegetative Propagation and the Relationships Between Biomass and Population Density of Aneurolepidium chinense in Songnen Plain of China
Specific Proteins in Chloroplasts of Photoperiod-Sensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice
Studies on Tryptophane Residues in CF1-ATPase and the Enzymatic Property of CF1-ATPase Modified by NBS and Photooxidation
Effect of Sun Light Intensity on the Change of Contents in the Chloroplasts of Tillandsia usneciaes
Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Awns of Wheat and Barley
RNA Editing Sites Exist in Protein-Coding Genes in the Chloroplast Genome of Cycas Taitungensis
A Putative Calcium-Permeable Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel, CNGC18, Regulates Polarized Pollen Tube Growth
Inhibiting Self-Pollen: Self-Incompatibility in Papaver Involves Integration of Several Signaling Events
Two-Dimensional Electrophoretic Analysis of Soluble Leaf Proteins of a Salt-sensitive (Triticum aestivum) and a Salt-tolerant (T. durum) Cultivar in Response to NaCl Stress
A Microarray Based Genomic Hybridization Method for Identification of New Genes in Plants: Case Analyses of Arabidopsis and Oryza
Dynamic Change of the Forest in Spirit Valley, Nanjing
Recent progress in polar metabolite quantification in plants using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Effect of elevated CO2 concentration on photosynthetic characteristics of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii under cadmium stress
Compaitive Study on Liposoluble Compoands in Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides
Effects of Water Stress on Energy Transduction in Chloroplasts
Studies on Chemical Constituents of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq.
Changes of Peroxidase and Esterase Activities in Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. During Breaking Dormancy at Low Temperature
Phototropins and Their LOV Domains: Versatile Plant Blue-Light Receptors
Effects of Doubled-CO2 Concentration on Ultrastructure, Supramolecular Architecture and Spectral Characteristics of Chloroplasts from Wheat
Plant Proteomics in the Post-genomic Era
Comparison of Phycobiliproteins from Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyceae) and Its Pigment Mutants in Spectral and Molecular Respects
Pollination Biology of Ficus hispida in the Tropical Rainforests of Xishuangbanna, China
Genetic Transformation in Triticeae Crops
The Diterpenoids from Jatropha curcas L.
Study on the Esterase Isozyme from the Related Citrus Plants
Comparative Studies on Relationships Between Proline Accumulation and Photosynthesis, Respiration and Chlorophyll Content of Some Plant Species in the Middle Part of the Desert Zone in China
Changes of Freeze-Fracture Ultrastructure and Light Harvesting Chlorophyll Protein Complex in Thylakoid Membranes During Ontogeny of Maize
Characteristics and Distributions of Isozymes of Superoxide Dismutase in Leaf Cella of Peanut and wheat
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Erycibe hainanesis
Distribution of Vascular Tissue in Four Rattan Canes
The Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes Resolved from Ultrasonically Broken Thylakoid Memb-ranes of Blue-Green Algae
In vitro Propagation, Dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of Marchantia polymorpha L.
Comparative Studies on the Spectral Characteristics and Components of Chlorophyll-Protein Complex CPa Band from Three Different Preparations
Freezing Tolerance, Pigments and SOD of Five Conifers in Shenyang
Morphological Studies on Pterophyllum guizhouense sp. nov. and P. astartense Harris from the Late Triassic of Guizhou, China
Isolation of Blue-Green Algal Spheroplasts by Penicillin-Lysozyme Method
Effects of Al3+ on Ca2+-ATPase Activity on Chloroplasts of Rice and Relation to Calmodulin
Transient Expression of CAT and GUS Genes in Protoplasts Isolated from Rice and Corn
Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rourea microphylla (Hook. et Arn) Planch.
The Effects of Cadmium on Chlorophyll-Protein complexes and Distribution of Excitation Energy in Spinach Chloroplasts
Cloning and Expression Analysis of ChWRKY2 from Corylus heterophylla under Low Temperature Stress
Constructing of Sense and Antisense pepc Expression Vector of Jatropha curcas and the Transformation
Study on Spatial Connection and Fractal Characteristics of Prop Roots of Natural Rhizophora Stylosa
Analysis on Early Stage Trees Carbon Storage Change of Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Bawangling of Hainan Island
Using stable isotope technique to study feeding habits of the finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. sunameri)
Advances in proteomic studies on earthworms subjected to pollution stress
Environmental factors affecting plant species diversity of understory plant communities in a Castanopsis hystrix plantation chronosequence in Pingxiang, Guangxi, China
Mineralization of different dissolved organic matter containing various biogenic elements by natural bacteria in seawater
Comparison of carbon storage in pure and mixed stands of Castanopsis hystrix and Cunninghamia lanceolata in subtropical China
The effect of nitrogen addition on soil respiration and associated factors in Pinus elliottii forest
Response of soil ciliate communities to ecological restoration after the implementation of the conversion of cropland to forest and grassland program:a case study of Platycladus orientalis Forest
Characterization of anti-predator abilities of Pleurochrysis carterae
The potential of two agricultural cropping patterns for remediating heavy metals from soils
The growth characteristics and spatial distribution of Fenneropenaeus chinensis in Laizhou Bay
Effects of cultivars and intercropping on the rhizosphere microenvironment for alleviating the impact of continuous cropping of faba bean
Effects of allelopathy of submerged macrophytes on the phytoplankton community collected from the west part of the West Lake wetland in Hangzhou, China
Spatial point patterns of dominant species by individualtrees and biomass in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest