The Meta Analysis on the relationships between predator and prey Using cellular automata to study patchy spread in a predator-prey system Influence of temperature and light on the growth and development of Tenodera angustipennis and related preying functional responses The study for predator-prey system with Allee effect exist on prey and apositic reaction exist on predator The Use of Six-flavor Rehmannia Decoction with Additives in Prevention of Ototoxic Deafness Induced by Gentamicin in Guinea Pig ON THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE DETECTABLE TIME AND TAKEN AMOUNT OF PREY IN PREDATOR AND TEMPERATURE Effect of different preys on the predation and prey preference of Orius similis Prey selection and feeding rate of sea stars Asterias amurensis and Asterina pectinifera on three bivalves STUDY ON MODELS FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE OF PREDATOR TO PREY Two-sex life table and predation of Chrysopa pallens (Rambur) feeding on Megoura japonica (Matsumura) Feeding habits of Lateolabrax maculatus in Yangtze River estuary Assessment of monitoring methods for population abundance of Amur tiger in Northeast China Prey biomass of the Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) in the eastern Wanda Mountains of Heilongjiang Province, China Construction of OsRUS 2.1 yeast two hybrid prey vectors and detection of their toxicity and self activated activity Harvest strategy of discrete Leslic predator-prey system Utilization Efficiency and Functional Response of Orius similis Zheng (Hemiptera:Anthocoridae) to Different Preys THE APPLICATION OF ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSIS FOR DETECTING THE PREDATION OF PARDOSA ASTRIGERA KOCH A dynamic model for the predator-prey system in the presence of environmental fluctuations Theoretical and applied studies on predator-prey interaction Ecological effects of predator chemical cues in aquatic ecosystem Research progress in DNA-based approach tracking trophic links A apparent competition model with predators preference for prey and its simulation analysis The prey preference of Orius sauteri on western flower thrips and two-spotted spider mite Research on the Relationship between Migration of the Birds of Prey and Climate in the Seaboard of Eastern China A STUDY ON THE RAPTOR MIGRATION HABITS IN THE EASTERN COAST OF CHINA Predator-prey system with positive effect for prey