Antifungal activity of antagonistic strain BMP-11 against Pythium aphanidermatum and its identification Biocontrol and induction of defense responses by the non-pathogenic Pythium spp. OCCURRENCE AND CONTROL OF PYTHIUM DAMPING OFF AND LEAF BLIGHT IN COOL-SEASONTURFGRASS RESISTANCE TO METALAXYL AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PYTHIUM SPP TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON THE GENUS PYTHIUM FROM YUNNAN PROVINCE OF CHINA Influences of Pythium oligandrum broth on the growth and botrytis control of tomato seedlings in greenhouses Identification and rDNA ITS sequence analysis of the Pythium root rot pathogens of processing tomato in Xinjiang Antifungal activity of endophytic fungi isolated from Taxus mairei Variation in sensitivity of Pythium spp. to metabolite produced by Pseudomonas fluorescent LT6 Acute toxicity of fermentation broth produced from Pythium oligandrum and its influence on the growth and control of pepper seedling anthrax Resistance Evaluation of Selected Tall Fescue Varieties to Pythium Blight Caused by Pythium aphanidermatum The Antagonism of Bacillus firmus against Three Strains of Pathogenetic Fungi Biological control of seedling damping-off of cucumber DISCOVERY OF PYTHIUM SPINOSUM ON TEA CUTTING SEEDLINGS IN CHINA AND THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Proteins Related to the Biocontrol of Pythium Damping-off in Maize with Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Antagonism and mechanism of action of Trichoderma aureoviride against Pythium aphanidermatum causing turfgrass root rot A primary study on the pathogenesis of Pythium aphanidermatum to Lolium perenne Identification and PCR Detection of the Pathogen Causing Root Rot of Anthurium andraeanum STUDIES ON PATHOGENIC SPECIES OF PYTHIUM FROM SPRING CROPPING MAIZE SEEDLINGS IN ZHEJIANG PROVINCE Analysis of maize accessions resistance to Pythium stalk rot and Fusarium ear rot Isolation, identification, and sequence analysis of rDNA-ITS of
Pythium species sampled from rhizosphere soil of corn
Effects of the fermentation broth of Pythium oligandrum on the growth and black shank control of flue-cured tobacco Pathogen Identification of Walnut Stalk Rot Disease Studies on the new and dominant species of genus Pythium in Nanning Region of Guangxi Identification and PCR Detection of the Pathogen Causing Root Rot of Anthurium andraeanum Biological characteristics of a pathogen of turfgrass root rot disease Influence of the fermentation broth of Pythium oligandrum on the growth and botrytis control of tomato seedlings Inhibitory effect of the secretion of Pythium oligandrum on plant pathogenic fungi and the control effect against tomato gray mould

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