Extracts of Danshen and Chuanxinlian on human monocyticline THP-1 induced by TNF-α Histological and histochemical studies on mouthpart of Whitmania pigra at different months age Rewiews on methods of measuring geometric chracteristics of forest gaps involving gap size, gap shape, and the height of canopy trees surrounding the gap Construction of Ggenetic Linkage Map in Lolium multiflorum Studies on Prevention and Control of Ptilinus fuscus(Coleoptera:Anobiidae) EFFECTS OF CULTURE ENVIRONMENT ON CALLUS GROWTH AND DL-TETRAHYDRO-PALMATINE CONTENT IN CULTURES OF CORYDALIS REMOTA An Experimental Observation on the Analgesic and Antipyretic Effects and Toxicity of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms Inhibition of berberine on tissue factor activity and venous thrombosis Effect of P38MAPK signal transduction pathway on apoptosis of  THP-1 induced by allicin Determination of naringin in toothpaste by high performance liquid chromatography Study on effects of Corydalis yanhusuo and L-THP on dopamine of reward circuitry in conditioned place preference rats and comparison Effects of different fertilization regimes on abundance and community structure of the nirKtype denitrifying bacteria in greenhouse vegetable soils. Study on chemical constituents of Typha angustifolia