Problems in quality standard research of new traditional Chinese medicine compound Progress and Prospect of the Genetically Modified Organism in the Domesticand International Model-based drug development Advances in studies on antifungal natural compounds Drug design ideas and methods of Chinese herb prescriptions Natural resources characteristics and research and development strategies of “Qi medicinal herbs” Translational medicine: promoting Chinese materia medica modernization into clinic faster and better Translational medicine: promoting Chinese materia medica modernization into clinic faster and better Application of translational three-dimension model to research and development of new drug Historical story on natural medicinal chemistry: Drugs from ocean Problems in medicinal materials research of new traditional Chinese medicine Review of current situations and prospects of research and development on traditional Chinese medicine cosmetics Significance of metabonomics in modern research of Chinese materia medica Direction of new drug R&D in Chinese materia medica over therapeutic field of new drugs approved by CFDA during 2010—2014 Discussion on innovation model of Chinese materia medica based on “preceded pharmacokinetics” Advances in studies on antifungal natural compounds Retrospection,stratagem,and practice on innovative drug research and development of Chinese materia medica Regularity of drugs compatibility of anti-hepatoma traditional Chinese medicine ancient prescriptions and Risk evaluation of anti-hepatoma new drug research and development Key problems on development of classic Chinese materia medica recipe Study on natural medicinal chemistry and new drug development Research status of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model and its challenges facing to application in traditional Chinese medicine field Risks of new drug research and development and measures of innovative management mechanism Application of translational three-dimension model to research and development of new drug Research and development trends of market for natural ophthalmological healthy products Model-based drug development Ponderat ion over modernizat ion of research and development for Chinese patent medicine

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