Effects of Guizhi Fuling Capsule on prostatic hyperplasia in experimental rats Effects of the Preparation of Xiao Long Ling on the Experimental Prostatic Hyperplasia in Mice Effect of Leonuri Herba alkaloids on prostatic hyperplasia in older rats Influence of intervene of traditional Chinese medicine on cytokinelevel in benign prostatic hyperplasia An Experimental Study(Ⅰ) on the Inhibition of Prostatic Hyperplasia with Extract of Seeds of Brassica alba Analysis on efficacy of Huang’e Capsule on benign prostatic hyperplasia Observation on efficacy of Huange Capsule on benign prostatic hyperplasia Clinical effect of Qianlietai Capsule on benign prostatic hyperplasia Clinical effect of Qianlietai Capsule on benign prostatic hyperplasia Purification of flavonoids from pollen of Brassica campestris with polyamide resin Purification of flavonoids from pollen of Brassica campestris with polyamide resin Effects of soybean isoflavone on growth factors and its receptor on prostatic hyperplasia in rats Adjustive Effect of Yi Qi Tong Lin Chongji on the three Growth Factors in Rats Prostatic Tissues An Experimental Study (Ⅱ) on the Inhibition of Prostatic Hyperplasia by Extract of Seeds of Brassica alba Influence of Qianlie Antong tablets on expresstion of VEGF and bFGF in
protatic tissues of BHP rats
Curcumin inhibits growth, induces G1 arrest and apoptosis onhuman prostatic stromal cells by regulating Bcl-2/Bax

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