Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Arabidopsis Mature Pollen and Germinated Pollen Oxygation Enhances Growth, Gas Exchange and Salt Tolerance of Vegetable Soybean and Cotton in a Saline Vertisol Comparative Detection of Calcium Fluctuations in Single Female Sexual Cells of Tobacco to Distinguish Calcium Signals Triggered by in Vitro Fertilization Carbon Sequestration in Two Alpine Soils on the Tibetan Plateau Water Supply Changes N and P Conservation in a Perennial Grass Leymus chinensis Association Analysis of the Amino Acid Contents in Rice Pathways and Determinants of Early Spontaneous Vegetation Succession in Degraded Lowland of South China Synergistic Action between Jasmonic Acid and Nitric Oxide in Inducing Matrine Accumulation of Sophora flavescens Suspension Cells Water Sources of Dominant Species in Three Alpine Ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau, China Role of Soybean GmbZIP132 under Abscisic Acid and Salt Stresses Effects on Genome Constitution and Novel Cell Wall Formation Caused by the Addition of 5RS Rye Chromosome to Common Wheat Soral Crypsis: Protective Mimicry of a Coccid on an Indian Fern Carotenoid Metabolism: Biosynthesis, Regulation, and Beyond Homologous Comparisons of Photosysthetic System Ⅰ Genes among Cyanobacteria and Chloroplasts Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Aluminum Toxin Tolerance in NJRIKY Recombinant Inbred Line Population of Soybean (Glycine max) Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Soybean Simple Traits among Diaspore Weight/Number, Plant Height and Ability of Vegetative Propagation New Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Iris leptophylla Lingelsh. Purification and Characterization of a New Heme-Binding Protein (HBP59) from the Mutant Strain DJ35 of Azotobacter vinelandii Assessment of Genetic Stability Among In Vitro Plants of Arachis retusa Using RAPD and AFLP Markers for Germplasm Preservation Variations of Water-Soluble Carbohydrate Contents in Different Age Class Modules of Leymus chinensis Populations in Sandy and Saline-Alkaline Soil on the Songnen Plains of China The Villin/Gelsolin/Fragmin Superfamily Proteins in Plants Microtubule Associated Proteins in Plants and the Processes They Manage Molecular Characterization of Plant Prevacuolar and Endosomal Compartments Purification and Characterization of a New Ribosome Inactivating Protein from Cinchonaglycoside C-treated Tobacco Leaves Water-Saving and High-Yielding Irrigation for Lowland Rice by Controlling Limiting Values of Soil Water Potential Relationships among the Stem, Aboveground and Total Biomass across Chinese Forests Vegetation Change and Soil Nutrient Distribution along an Oasis-Desert Transitional Zone in Northwestern China Identification and Preliminary Analysis of Several Centromere-associated Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Clones from a Diploid Wheat Library Soil Carbon Changes Following Afforestation with Olga Bay Larch (Larix olgensis Henry) in Northeastern China Cloning of a Potato Proteinase Inhibitor Gene PINII-2x from Diploid Potato (Solanum phurejia L.) and Transgenic Investigation of Its Potential to Confer Insect Resistance in Rice Genetic Diversity of Soybean and the Establishment of a Core Collection Focused on Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Cloning of a Resistance Gene Analog from Wheat and Development of a Codominant PCR Marker for Pm21 Effect of Seasonality on Distribution of Macroalgae in a Stream System (Xin’an Spring) in Shanxi Province, North China Introgression of Resistance to Powdery Mildew Conferred by Chromosome 2R by Crossing Wheat Nullisomic 2D with Rye Water-Soluble Constituents of Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.) Bur. Effects of Nitrogen Source and Bacterial Elicitor on Isoflavone Accumulation in Root Cultures of Albizzia kalkora (Roxb.) Prain Creating Wheat Germplasm for High Quality Breeding by Monosomic Backcrossing Two Divergent Members of 4-Coumarate: Coenzyme ALigase from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge: Factors Influencing Formation of Sclerotia in Grifola umbellate (Pers.) Pilát Under Artificial Conditions Inheritance and Gene Mapping of Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus Strain SC14 in Soybean Purification, Biochemical and Immunological Characterization of Acid Invertases from Apple Fruit Seasonal Changes in the Trade-off Among Fig-supported Wasps and Viable Seeds in Figs and Their Evolutionary Implications Promotive Effect of Low Concentrations of NaHSO3 on Photophosphorylation and Photosynthesis in Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Transgenic Rice Leaves Changes in Root Hydraulic Conductivity During Wheat Evolution Soil Organic Matter Dynamics Along a Vertical Vegetation Gradient in the Gongga Mountain on the Tibetan Plateau Cell Biological Characterization of Male Meiosis and Pollen Development in Rice Supplemental Cytogeographical Studies on the Scilla sinensis (Louriro) Merrill Complex in China Bolboschoenus (Ascherson) Palla (Cyperaceae) from Pliocene of China Phylogeny and Biogeography of Thuja L. (Cupressaceae), an Eastern Asian and North American Disjunct Genus Genomic Rearrangement in Endogenous Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons of Rice Lines Introgressed by Wild Rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) Advances in the Plant Isoprenoid Biosynthesis Pathway and Its Metabolic Engineering Mapping of a Wheat Resistance Gene to Yellow Mosaic Disease by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Simple Sequence Repeat Markers Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Anemone altaica Fisch. Ex C. A. Mey. Does a General Temperature-Dependent Q10 Model of Soil Respiration Exist at Biome and Global Scale? Karyotyping of Brassica napus L. Based on C0t-1 DNA Banding by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Seasonal Variation of 13C of Four Tree Species: A Biological Integrator of Environmental Variables Direct Determination of Arsenic Species in Arsenic Hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata by EXAFS Cytochemical Localization of Pectinase: the Cytochemical Evidence for Resin Ducts Formed by Schizogeny in Pinus massoniana Isolation and Characterization of Ty1/copia-like Reverse Transcriptase Sequences from Mung Bean (Vigna radiata) Photosynthetic Pathway of Three Rattan Species in South China Characterization of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Compositions of Somatic Hybrid Plants Between Sweet Orange and Sour Orange Isolation and Characterization of the Cytoplasmic Membrane from the Terrestrial Cyanobacterium—Nostoc flagelliforme Crystal Growth and Characterization of Residual Bacterioferritin in Partially Purified Nitrogenase CrFe Protein Solution from a Mutant UW3 of Azotobacter vinelandii Temperature Influences on the Allelopathy Effect of Aqueous Extracts from Trifolium repens L. Variation Trends of Soil Moisture and Salinity During the Growth Season of the Wild Apocynum venentum L. in West Jinlin Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Blueberry Pomace Extracts Study on the Geobotanic and Phyto-Chemical Composition of the Oil-Bearing Areas in Southeast Junggar Basin Study on the Soil Bank and Seed Rain of Mellotus paniculatus Forest in Xishuangbanna Biomass and Its Allocation of a Tropical Wet Seasonal Rain Forest in Xishuangbanna POD’s and SOD’s Activity and MDA’s Content in Different Geographic Populations of Leymus chinensis’s The Bio-ecological Characteristics of Reaumuria soongorica on the Border of Oasis at Hutubi Xinjiang Soil Seed Banks in a Series of Successional Secondary Forest Communities in Heishiding Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province Soil Seed Banks of Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest on Simian Mountain, Chongqing Municipality Research Progress in Relationship Between Shrub Invasion and Soil Heterogeneity in a Natural Semi-Arid Grassland Quantitative Character Structures of the Natural Populations of Wild Soybean in Hebei Province The Effect of Hill-Building Activities of Ants on the Species Diversity of Plant Communitiesin Songnen Grassland 蚂蚁筑丘活动对松嫩草地植物群落多样性的影响 COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS OF STIPA PURPUREA STEPPE IN SOURCE REGIONS OF CHANGJIANG AND HUANGHE RIVERS, CHINA CLASSIFICATION OF PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES BASED ON DOMINANT TREE SPECIES IN THE FOREST ECOSYSTEM AT FUNIU MOUNTAIN NATIONAL RESERVE, EAST CHINA Effects of drought on N absorption and utilization in winter wheat at different developmental stages