COVER SHIFT AND MORPHOLOGICAL PLASTICITY OF INVASIVE ALTERNANTHERA PHILOXEROIDES ALONG A RIPARIAN ZONE IN SOUTH CHINA SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITIES IN DIFFERENT PLANTATIONS IN LOWLANDS OF THE YELLOW RIVER DELTA, CHINA COMPARISON ON THE DIFFERENCE IN SOIL SEED BANK BETWEEN GRAZED AND ENCLOSED GRASSLANDS IN HORQIN SANDY LAND MONITORING GROWING SEASON OF TYPICAL STEPPE IN NORTHERN CHINA BASED ON NOAA/AVHRR NDVI DATA pH BUFFER SELECTION AND ITS EFFECT ON GROWTH OF GRACILARIA LEMANEIFORMIS SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING PERFORMANCE OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS ROOT GROWTH DYNAMICS OF CARAGANA KORSHINSKII USING MINIRHIZOTRONS SOIL CARBON AND NITROGEN CONTENTS ALONG ELEVATION GRADIENTS IN THE SOURCE REGION OF YANGTZE, YELLOW AND LANTSANG RIVERS EMISSIONS OF CH4 AND N2O FROM A WETLAND IN THE SANJIANG PLAIN ECOLOGICAL CAPITAL MEASUREMENT BY REMOTELY SENSED DATA FOR HUZHOU AND ITS SOCIO_ECONOMIC APPLICATION THE RELATIONSHIP OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY TO ECOSYSTEM FUNCTION IN RELATION TO SOIL CONSERVATION IN SEMI_HUMID EVERGREEN FORESTS, YUNNAN PROVINCE,CHINA THREE TEMPERATURE (3T) MODEL——A METHOD TO ESTIMATE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND EVALUATE WORLD BIODIESEL UTILIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES IN CHINA CARBON SEQUESTRATION: MANNERS SUITABLE FOR CARBON TRADE IN CHINA AND FUNCTION OF TERRESTRIAL VEGETATION THE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDANTS ON THE TRANSIENT EXPRESSION OF GUS GENE IN SOYBEAN HYPOCOTYLS MEDIATED BY AGROBACTERIUM TUMEFACIENS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HERBACEOUS ROOT SYSTEM AND VERTICAL SOIL SEDIMENT YIELD IN LOESS AREA DIURNAL AND SEASONAL CO2 EXCHANGE ON CLEAR DAYS IN A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAINFOREST OF XISHUANGBANNA DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS ALONG THE LENGTH OF DIFFERENT_AGED NEEDLES OF PINUS MASSONIANA AT DINGHUSHAN Effects of UV Irradiation on Accumulation of Anthocyanins and the Activity,Expression of Key Enzyme in Veraison‘Northland’Blueberry Cloning of TPI Gene from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Longan Karyotype Analysis of Six Banana Cultivars in Relation to A Genomes Progress in Chromosome Research in Lily Cross-breeding Effects of Chlorocholine Chloride on Photosynthesis Metabolism and Terpene Trilactones Biosynthesis in The Leaf of Ginkgo biloba Analysis on Karyotype and Its Evolutional Trend of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Germplasms Resources Root Distribution and Soil Water Dynamics of Medicago sativa L. and Stipa breviflora Griseb. Effects of Varying Amounts of Oil Spillage on Grassland Community of Abandoned Cropland in Loess Hilly Region Prediction for Soybean Grain Yield Using Active Sensor GreenSeeker Cloning and Expression Analysis of Copper and Zinc Superoxide Dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD) Gene from Brassica campestris L. Chemical constituents of Isodon flavidus produced in Leishan Study on in vitro controlled release of danshensu based on PEG modified of mesoporous silica nanoparticles Chemical constituents from leaves of Adinandra nitida Investigation of three coumarin components in thorns of Gleditsia sinensis and their cytotoxic activity to tumor cells Chemical constituents of Lonicera japonica roots and anti-inflammatory activity Study on flavonoid glycosides from Gentiana veitchiorum Advances in study on resveratrol Isolation and identification of endophytic fungi from Polygonatum sibiricum in Mountain Tai and study on their antimicrobial activity Preliminary study on dynamic change of polysaccharide contents of Ganoderma-Epimedy fungal substance Gene cloning and expression level of chalcone isomerase during florescence and content of flavonoids in Fagopyrum dibotrys Effect of temperature on growth and metabolism of Dendrobium nobile Antitumor activity of water-soluble polysaccharides from Codium fragile and its immunomodulation Research progress in gastrointestinal transportation of cyclodextrin inclusion complex and its mechanism Protection of total flavonoids from Camptosorus sibiricus on hepatic injury Advances in studies on chemical constituents, bioactivities, and clinical application of medicinal plants in Aesculus L. Advances in studies on tumor prevention of black raspberry from America Determination of entrapment efficiency of sinomenine hydrochloride liposomes with centrifugation sedimentation combined with centrifugation ultrafiltration Preparation and characterization of self-microemulsifying oral fast dissolving films of total ginkgo flavonoid Effect of different cropping rotations on enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil and production quality of Angelica sinensis Effect of light on growth in Ganoderma lucidum and anti-oxidative enzyme activities Analysis on clivorine from alkaloid in aqueous extract of Ligularia hodgsonii and its hepatotoxicity in rats Establishment and practice for evaluating model of best harvest time of traditional Chinese medicinal materials Inhibitory effect of different species of hydroxygenkwanin on UGTs and UGT1A1 activities New records of distribution of medical plants in Anhui province Research thoughts on tumor immune responses by polysaccharide of Chinese medicine via oral administration Clinical characteristics and medicinal analysis for osteoporosis based on real world Species differences in caffeine metabolism in liver microsomes of rats and mice Pharmacokinetic study on dry powder inhalation administration of α-asarone in rats 27-O-(E)-p-coumaric acyl ursolic acid via JNK/SAPK signal pathway regulates apoptosis of human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell line Two new polyesters from wetland soil-derived fungus Talaromyces flavus A new strategy for Chinese medicine processing technologies: coupled with individuation processed and cybernetics Effect of sodium tanshinone ⅡA sulfonate on AngⅡ-induced atrial fibroblast collagen synthesis and TGF-β1 activation Molecular action mechanism of desoxyrhaponticin and serum albumin characterized by spectroscopy combined with molecular modelling Evaluation of high-resolution images application for wild medicinal plants macro monitoring:a case of Apocynum Determination of tomatine in Solanum cathayanum by RP-HPLC Determination of aurantio-obtusin and chrysophanol in Cassiae Semen by HPLC Comparative study on metabonomics and on liver and kidney toxicity of Aristolochia fangchi and Stephania tetrandra Studies on Polysaccharide of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. Sesquiterpenes and their derivatives from marinegreen alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Composition analysis on water leaching solution of Eucalyptus robusta leaf INTRODUCTION TO THE FLORA OF GUANGXI The Translocation, Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Crops-Soil System in the Eastern Suburbs of Beijing Study of Tropical Vegetation Series in Jianfengling Region, Hainan Island The Characteristics and Utilization of Shrub-grasslands in Tropical and Subtropical Mountains of Yunnan The Regionalisation Problem of the Vegetation of the Forest Area in Southern Gansu Province A Study of Hierarchical Classification for the Steppe Vegetation on the Song-Nen Plain A Study of Chemical Contents in a Mixed Shrubland Near Baihuashan Mountain in Beijing Study on the Absorption and Removal of Kandelia candel for Pollutant Cadmium The Models on Density Dependence to Natural Suaeda heteroptera Population of Alkalization Meadow in the Songnen Plain of China Study on Dividing the Successional Stages of Forest Communities with Division Method of Optimization Regeneration Study on the Seasonal Rainforest in Xishuangbanna of Yunnan Application and Improvement of the Neighborhood Interference Model