Influence of altitude and difference of different-sized individuals on reproductive allocation in Salsola affinis C. A. Mey. and Salsola nitraria Pall. Nitrogen resorption efficiency of perennial plant decreases with warming and nitrogen addition in desert steppe Effects of nitrogen application on carbon metabolism of soil microbial communities in eucalyptus plantations with different levels of soil organic carbon Modeling soil moisture dynamics in different forest types in semiarid areas Temporal and spatial variation in surface soil moisture content of karst slopes in the dry season Effect of mulching method on soil temperature and grain yield of spring wheat in rainfed agricultural areas of northwestern China Mechanical factors influencing soil-reinforcement by roots and identifying appropriate plant species for erosion control Effects of forest conversion on quantities and spectroscopic characteristics of soil dissolved organic matter in subtropical China Response of soil surface enzyme activities to short-term warming and litter decomposition in a mountain forest Short term responses of photosynthetic pigments and nonstructural carbohydrates to simulated nitrogen deposition in three provenances of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. seedlings Spatial heterogeneity of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in sloping field in a groge Karst region, Southwest China Effect of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on CH4 emission in transgenic rice from a paddy soil Effect of surfactants on sorption and desorption of streptomycin on soil of Inner Mongolian pastoral area The inhibitory effect of quickly and intensively reductive soil on Fusarium oxysporum Water sources of five dominant desert plant species in Nuomuhong area of Qaidam Basin Analysis of soil respiration and influencing factors in maize farmland under different tillage patterns in hilly area in Southwest China Spatio-temporal characteristics of drought for soybean under climate change in the three provinces of Northeast China Structure changes of bacteria community in 24 solar terms at No.10 spring Urumqi Spatial pattern of seedling regeneration of Ulmus pumila woodland in the Otindag Sandland Prediction of bacterial species richness in the South China Sea slope sediments Fraction changes of oxidation organic carbon in paddy soil and its correlation with CH4 emission fluxes Effect of different Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation soil qualities on soil microbial community structure Soil ecological stoichiometry under different vegetation area on loess hilly-gully region Seasonal dynamics of food web energy pathways at the community-level Characteristics of cultivable microbial community number and structure at the southeast edge of Tengger Desert The effect of different land use patterns on soil properties in alpine areas of eastern Qilian Mountains Soil water holding capacity under four typical ecosystems in Wuyunjie Nature Reserve of Hunan Province Differences in clonal growth between female and male plants of Rhus typhina Linn. and their diurnal changes in photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence Effects of elevated nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon mineralization and soil enzyme activities in a Chinese fir plantation Soil water and salinity in response to water deliveries and the relationship with plant growth at the lower reaches of Heihe River, Northwestern China Partitioning of autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in southern type poplar plantations Soil nutrient characteristics under different vegetations in the windy and sandy region of northern Shaanxi Individual spatial pattern and spatial association of Stipa krylovii population in Alpine Degraded Grassland In order to define the forest resources quality of each subcompartment, and provide scientific basis for the forest farm to take reasonable forest management measures, an indicator system of forest resources quality evaluation was built in this study whic Different strip intercropping of grain-grass on sloping field in dry areas of south Ningxia Effects of solar radiation on soil respiration of a maize ecosystem Impact of litter addition and exclusion on soil respiration in a Liquidambar formosana forest and a nearby Cinnamomum camphora forest of central southern China Effects of vegetation rehabilitation on soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in Ziwuling Forest Area Water holding capacity of ground covers and soils in different land uses and land covers in subalpine region of Western Sichuan, China Variations of whole-tree transpiration at different diameter-classes in Acacia mangium during dry and wet seasons CO2-release rate of soil respiration and litter decomposition of meadow marshes in Sanjiang Plain Grey relational analysis of soil moisture under different landuses in the Loess Hilly Region Effects of long-term fertilization on particulate organic carbon and mineral
organic carbon of the paddy soil
Soil carbon pool and fertility under natural evergreen broad-leaved forest and its artificial regeneration forests in Southern Sichuan Province Impact of the construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project on distribution of Oncomelania hupensis, the intermediate host of Schistosoma Microbial populations in different vegetations in sloping field on the Loess Plateau Effect of long-term fertilization on soil microbial community structure in corn field with the method of PLFA The response of soil enzymatic activity to PAHs contamination for four urban afforestation species Physiological effects of ploughing wheat straw under soil on flag-leaf resistance of winter wheat under wheat-summer corn rotation
Physiological and ecological response of the root border cells to aluminum toxicity in soybean Influences of soil mixing of different forests on the biochemical characteristics and litter decomposition on upper reach of Minjiang River Soil quality evolvement of farming-withdrawn grassland in hilly and gully loess regions Comparison on changes and theri driving forces of farmland in oases of middle and lower reaches: The case of Liangzhou and Minqin oases in the Shiyang river basin Effect of plant residues on soil acidity and its mechanisms Application of stable isotope technique in the study of plant water use The soil properties along landscape heterogeneity on different scales in Huangfuchuan Watershed Effect of soil organic carbon on aggregate stability after vegetativer estoration on severely eroded red soil A Comparative Study on Soil Nitrogen (N) Gross Rate of Mineralization, Nitrification and Consumption Over Three Management Systems of Leymus chinensis Grasslands Contribution of CO2 Emission from Soil Respiration and from Litter Decomposition in Lymus chinensis Community in Northeast Songnen Grassland The Effects of Compound Fertilizer Made From Municipal Sewage Sludge Compost on N P K and Heavy Metals Uptake of Wheat Haar Wavelet Decomposition of Main Soil Factors in Liaotungensis Forest in Dongling Mountain Area Mechanisms for Aluminium Uptake and Accumulation by Aluminum Excluders and Hyperaccumulators Identification and allelopathy on the decomposition products from soybean stubs THE COMPARISON STUDY ON WATER ECOLOGY OF TWO PUCCINELLIA COMMUNITIES IN SONGNEN GRASSLAND EFFECT OF HUMAN DISTURBANCE ON ANTIOXIDATIVE ABILITY IN LEAVES OF SUBTROPICAL FOREST WOODY PLANTS Study on Antibacterial Effects of Fat-soluble Compositions in Nostoc commune Research Progress of Molecular Markers for Forage Germplasm Resources Important Traits in China Effects of environmental and biotic factors on soil respiration in a coastal wetland in the Yellow River Delta, China. Estimating heavy metal concentrations in topsoil from vegetation reflectance spectra of Hyperion images: A case study of Yushu County, Qinghai, China. Assessment of the social values of ecosystem services based on SolVES model: A case study of Wusong Paotaiwan Wetland Forest Park, Shanghai, China. Species-area relationship at different succession stages of monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in south subtropical area of Yunnan Province. Effects of different tillage methods and straw-returning on soil organic carbon content in a winter wheat field. Effects of different planting patterns on farmland soil quality in Yellow River alluvial plain of Shandong Province. Effects of applying biogas liquid manure on the key source-sink metabolism enzymes and grain yield of summer maize. Impact of high salt stress on Apocynum venetum growth and ionic homeostasis. Effects of different de-farming and reafforestation patterns on changes of soil fertility quality in karst region of southwestern China Microbial diversity in continuously planted Chinese fir soil Dynamics of soil active organic matter in Chinese fir plantations Application of turning band method in conditional simulation of soil heavy metals Effects of organic manure on the conformation and biological availability of soil Cd