Analysis of soil CO2 efflux in Populus and Ulmus pumila planting shelterbelts in arid region,China Metal element contents of Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis in different community types and its relationship with soil nutrient factors in eastern China Nutrient availability in habitats affects carbon and nitrogen releases of litter in winter wheat Variations in Composition and Water Use Efficiency of Plant Functional Groups Based on Their Water Ecological Groups in the Xilin River Basin Architectural Plasticity in Response to Soil Moisture in the Stoloniferous Herb, Duchesnea indica Inorganic Carbon Utilization in Some Marine Phytoplankton Species Isolation and Chromosomal Mapping of a Corn B Chromosome Specific RAPDs Two New ent-Kauranoids fromIsodon tenuifolia Intraclonal Resource Sharing and Functional Specialization of Ramets in Response to Resource Heterogeneity in Three Stoloniferous Herbs Isolation of Zygotes and Proembryos in Doritis pulcherrima Numerical Taxonomic Analysis of Stellaria and Myosoton (Caryophyllaceae) Structure and Expression Analysis of KNOX Gene Family in Soybean Comparison of soil acid phosphatase activity determined by different methods Ecological effect of Trichoderma agent on platform field soil improvement in saline coastal area Effect of different drip irrigation amounts on microclimate and yield of winter wheat Variation of standard farming system in agro-pastoral transition zones of northern and southern foothills of Yinshan Mountains in recent thirty years Effects of nitrogen application rate on dry matter accumulation, nitrogenefficiency, and potassium and sodium uptake of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in coastal North Jiangsu Province Effects of biochar on organic carbon content and fractions of gray desert soil Biochar research advances regarding soil improvement and crop response Effect of regulated deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on maize leaf protective system Effect of long-term fertilization on photosynthetic property and yield of summer maize (Zea mays L.) Root morphology and nitrogen accumulation in soybean (Glycnie max L.) under different nitrogen application levels Effect of varying fertilization treatment on the content and distribution of trace elements in harvested crops Effect of varying combination of P and Zn in chelater-buffered solution on P-Zn interaction in wheat seedling Research status and its perspective on the properties of rhizosphere biology med iated by allelopathic plants Review of researches on obstacles of continuous cropping of soybean Study on physical and chemical properties of flying coal ashes and the releasing patterns of silicon Distribution of fine root biomass of main planting tree species in Loess Plateau, China. Characteristics of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen under different land use types in Shanghai. Soil soluble organic matter, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities in forest plantations in degraded red soil region of Jiangxi Province, China. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its formation causes of soil physical properties in karst peak-cluster depression area of northwest Guangxi, China. Dynamics of soil properties under secondary succession forest communities in MtJinyun Natural vegetation restoration and soil nutrient dynamics of abandoned farmlands in forest-steppe zone on Loess Plateau Effects of Fargesia denudata density on soil nutrient pool Karyotype Analysis of 38 Large-flowered Chrysanthemum Cultivars from China Uranium Uptake and Accumulation in Plants on Soils Spatial and temporal variations in optimum sowing date of winter wheat in Shijiazhuang City Effects of long-term straw incorporation on cadmium speciation and bioavailability in paddy soils in Deyang Area Effect of Cu stress on photosynthesis and nutrient absorption of grafted and ungrafted cucumber seedling Residual dynamics and safely applying technology of pyridaben in vegetable-soybean Application of BP neural network in forecasting soil temperature time-series pH distribution and relationship to soil nutrient in Hunan tobacco lands Impact of long term fertilization on different forms of inorganic phosphorus in aquic brown-soil Effect of intercropping three legume crops with maize on soil nitrate-N accumulation and distribution in the soil profile Nutrient equilibrium and distribution along soil profile of three legumes on highland Loess Plateau Effects of paraquat on soil microorganism Effect of antibiotics on the regeneration of sorghum shoot and the establishment of sorghum regeneration system A primary study on the repellent activities of tree extracting solution against white ants Inhibition of the extractions of Stemona tuberosa Lour and Sophora flavescans on some plant pathogenic germs Great west development on the basis of harmony between economy and ecology Study on the status of agricultural non-pointing source(NPS)pollution in Three-Gorges Area and its control countermeasures Currentprogress 0f studies on Cistanche tubulosa Analysis on Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch and soil desertification Emergy analysis method of agro-ecosystem Study on the inter-species competition of Sassafras tsumu community in the mid-subtropics and the population density adjustment Research on maize higll-yielding culture mode with applying fertilizer in extractive quantity to control nonpoint-source pollution Index variations of structure and quality of black soil with a long-term located monitoring Agricultural non-point source pollution and its countermeasures in the western regions Agricultural resources superiority and characteristic agricultural industrialization in West China Restriction of resources & environment and structural adjustment of agricultural production in China Management of eco-agricultural industrialization in China Influence of sludge and bacterial sludge on microorganism system in farmland soil Effects of soil acidity adjnstment on root growth and chemical compositions of the cured leaves in flue-cured tobacco The Optimizing Design of the Agro-economic System for Mengu Town of Fang County in Qingba Mountain District Developing Stable Nullisomic Wheat by Blue Grain Monosomic Wheat A Study on Forming Anti-drought and Anti-flood System in Haihe Plain Agricultural sustainable development and ecological education in agricultural colleges and universities Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen deposition on the biomass accumulation and allocation in south subtropical main native tree species and their mixed communities. Seasonal changes of Indocalamus leaf active ingredients contents. Responses of soil properties to ecosystem degradation in Karst region of northwest Guangxi, China. Interactive effects of P deficiency and Al toxicity on soybean growth: A pot experiment with acid soil. Plant transpiration in a maize/soybean intercropping system measured with heat balance method. Effects of low nitrogen stress on source-sink characters and grain- filling traits of different genotypes summer maize. Dynamic distribution characters of herbaceous vegetation root systems in abandoned grasslands of Loess Plateau Effect of ecological factors on citrus fruit quality Concepts and relative analytical techniques of soil organic matter Effect of the combination of cadmium and UV-B radiation on soybean growth Forest health ecological risk assessment in China Conservation tillage systems in North America and their significance for China Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on environmental behaviors of organic pollutants in soils