Effects of 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene stress on active oxygen in germinated soybean seeds A preliminary study on ecological response of dominant tree species in Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai Mountain to soil water stress and their biomass allocation The protection of agricultural ecological resource and agricultural sustainable development in Henan Province Technological principles and strategies for development of resourcesaving eco-agriculture in the transitional zone of mountain and plain--A case study from Xilingdi Experimental Area in the hilly districts of Mt. Taihang A research on nullisomic backcross method for breeding alien substitution lines Problems in agricultural developmeat in the plain located in front of Mt. Taihang and ways for dealing with--A case study from Luancheng County,Hebei Province The effects of no-tillage with maize stalk mulched on soil environment in dryland Variation of dormancy characteristic of different Pinus bungeana seed sources Genetic variation of geographical provenance of Pinus massoniana-Review and analysis Nutrient cycling and utilization in a forage cultivation-cattle raising-biogas fermentation ecosystem in red soil regions Evaluation on black soil nutrients and fertilization recommendation in Dehui City Review on research progress and application of growing media for vegetable production in China Research advance on no-tillage and soil erosion Analysis on the flow direction for agricultural resources utilization at county region—A case study from Funan County of poverty-stricken region in Anhui Province The new position and far-reaching impact of ecological province construction in our country Research on solid substrate in the whole world Effect of Michelia macclurei root extraction by supercritical fluid on the seed germination of Pinus assoniana A study on developing resource-saving animal husbandary in poor mountain regions--Experiments on meat-type rabbit keeping The influences of potassium sulfate on maize yield and interaction of nitrogen and potassium An analysis of the factors affecting N2O emission from arable soils Phylogeographic insights of the lowland species Cheirolophus sempervirens in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula Are phylogenies derived from family-level supertrees robust for studies on macroecological patterns along environmental gradients? The Gnetales: Recent insights on their morphology, reproductive biology, chromosome numbers, biogeography, and divergence times Evolutionary radiation of the Panax bipinnatifidus species complex (Araliaceae) in the Sino-Himalayan region of eastern Asia as inferred from AFLP analysis New fossil fruits of Carya (Juglandaceae) from the latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene in Tennessee, eastern United States Chromosome changes after polyploidization in Triticeae Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Primula ovalifolia in central and adjacent southwestern China: Past gradual expansion and geographical isolation Natural hybridization and introgression in sympatric Ligularia species (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) Comparative study of pollination biology of two closely related alpine Primula species, Primula beesiana and P. bulleyana (Primulaceae) A floral organ moving like a caterpillar for pollinating Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Biogeographic diversification in Nolana (Solanaceae), a ubiquitous member of the Atacama and Peruvian Deserts along the western coast of South America Molecular phylogeny of Solms-laubachia (Brassicaceae) s.l., based on multiple nuclear and plastid DNA sequences, and its biogeographic implications Effects of different nutrient sources on plasticity of reproductive strategies in a monoecious species, Sagittaria graminea (Alismataceae) Evolution of wild emmer wheat and crop improvement Phylogenetic position of Kontumia (Polypodiaceae) inferred from four chloroplast DNA regions Genetic evidence for the multiple origins of Pinghua Chinese Genetic affinity between the Kam-Sui speaking Chadong and Mulam people Richness and diversity of Leguminosae in an altitudinal gradient in the tropical semi-arid zone of Brazil Cytological Study of Pollen-mediated Plant Transformation Method Based on GFP Observation A preliminary study on the Alsophilia Spinulosa comm. in guizhou propince Study on Changes of Soil Fertility as Affected by the Replacement of Broadleafed Stand by Chinese Fir Stand in Nanping Foraging Growth Patterns and Resource Allocations of Clonal Leymus chinensis Population in the Sungnen Steppe The Biomass and Solar Energy Utilization Efficiency in Zenia insignis Forest Spatial Pattern and Correlation of Vegetation Characteristics and Soil Properties in the Mu Us Sandy Desert Zeaxanthin Content of Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum in Relation to Solar Radiation at Haibei Research Station Relationship Between Habitats and Resource Allocation of Inflorescence Structure in Ligularia virgaurea Simulation of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Natural Vegetation Light Utilization Efficiency Based on 3s Effects of simulated exudate C:N stoichiometry on dynamics of carbon and microbial community composition in a subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China Environmental heterogeneity and mechanism of stoichiometry properties of vegetative organs in dominant shrub communities across the Loess Plateau Relationship of tree growth and climatic factors at treeline of Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana forest in Basu County, Xizang A Study of the SO2 Elimination Capacity of some Plants in Taiyuan Nonlinear Response Function of Growth of Pinus massomiana to Climate A Preliminary Study on the Soil Seed Banks of the Dominant Vegetation Forms on Baohua Mountain The Distribution of Seeds in the Soil and the Sustainability of the Seed Bank of Larix gmelini in Northern Daxinganling Mountains Investigation on the Growth Rule of Root System of Winter Wheat in Semiarid Red Clay Soil Hills A General Model For Neighborhood Interference Index and Its Application Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in An Xilin River Basin Grassland, Inner Mongolia RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS FOR SOIL RESPIRATION OF FARMLAND ECOSYSTEMS IN CHINA Simulations of phenology in alpine grassland communities in Damxung, Xizang, based on digital camera images Effects of fractionated nitrogen application on leaf senescence and 15 N-urea uptake and utilization of apple rootstock―Malus hupenhensis Intra-annual variation in δ13C from tree rings of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and its response to climatic factors Nonfunctional alleles of long-day suppressor genes independently regulate flowering time Evaluation of high yielding soybean germplasm under water limitation DELLA proteins interact with FLC to repress flowering transition Jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase regulates development and herbivory-induced defense response in rice Cytokinin levels and signaling respond to wounding and the perception of herbivore elicitors in Nicotiana attenuata K+ retention in leaf mesophyll, an overlooked component of salinity tolerance mechanism: A case study for barley Effects of transgenic soybean on growth and phosphorus acquisition in mixed culture system Identification of Functional Genetic Variations Underlying Drought Tolerance in Maize Using SNP Markers Ectopic Expression of FaDREB2 Enhances Osmotic Tolerance in Paper Mulberry Expression of Acyl-lipid Δ12-desaturase Gene in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells and Its Effect on Cold Stress Tolerance of Potato Arabidopsis profilin isoforms, PRF1 and PRF2 show distinctive binding activities and subcellular distributions ties Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library of TM-1, a Standard Line for Genetics and Genomics in Upland Cotton Strategic Conservation of Orchard Germplasm Based on Indigenous Knowledge and Genetic Diversity: a Case Study of Sour Orange Populations in China Phosphorylation of Microtubule-associated Protein SB401 from Solanum Berthaultii Regulates Its Effect on Microtubules Involvement of Polyamine Oxidase in Abscisic Acid-induced Cytosolic Antioxidant Defense in Leaves of Maize Withania somnifera L. (Ashwagandha): A novel source of L asparaginase A Non-canonical Transferred DNA Insertion at the BRI1 Locus in Arabidopsis thaliana Vegetative Storage Protein with Trypsin Inhibitor Activity Occurs in Sapindus mukorassi, a Sapindaceae Deciduous Tree