Studies on the Interspecific Association of Dominant Species in a Subtropical Catanopsis fargesii Forest of Jinyun Mountain, China Comparative Analysis of Seed Banks in saline-alkali Communities in the Song-Nen Plain of China Effect of Citric Acid, Glucose and Organic Matter on Plant P Uptake and Soil P Fractionations in a Highly Weathered Ultisol Trace Elements in some Medicinal Plants in Xinlong, Hainan Leaf Development Responses of Trifolium repens to Climatic and Non-climatic Factors Study on the Productivity and Ecological Benefits in Mixed Forests of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Alniphyllum fortunei The Endangering Causes and Preserving Strategies for Cathaya argyrophylla, a Plant Endemic to Toxic Effects of Anthracene on Three Species of Marine Microalgae Fifteen-year Changes of Tree Layer in Secondary Castanopsis-schima Humid Evergreen Broad- Biomass and Dynamics of Soil Environment During the Early Stage of Vegetation Restoration in a Degraded Dry-hot Mountain Area of Nanjian, Yunnan Dynamics of Associations Between Tree Species During 10 Years of Succession in a Secondary-growth Tropical Montane Rainforest at Jianfengling on Hainan Island, China Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest Species Diversity Changes in Subalpine Coniferous Forests of Different Restoration Stages and Their Effects on Soil Properties Primary Study on the Soil Urease Activity in Three Main Plant Communities in the Songnen Meadow CHARACTERISTICS OF ROOT, STEM, AND SOIL RESPIRATION Q10 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS IN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS SEED RAIN AND SOIL SEED BANKS OF PICEA ASPERATA IN SUBALPINE SPRUCE FORESTS, WESTERN SICHUAN, CHINA POLLINATION CHARACTERISTICS OF EPHEMEROID PLANT EREMURUS ANISOPTERUS POINT PATTERN ANALYSIS OF ARTEMISIA ORDOSICA POPULATION IN THE MU US SANDY LAND CARBON CONTENTS AND ITS VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION IN ALPINE GRASSLANDS IN BAYINBULAK, MIDDLE STRETCH OF THE TIANSHAN MOUTAINS OF XINJIANG THE EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SUPPLY ON SEXUAL AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THREE SPECIES OF GLOBBA SOIL RESPIRATION IN A TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST AND RUBBER PLANTATION IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN, SW CHINA SEED POLYMORPHISM AND GERMINATION BEHAVIOR OF SALSOLA BRACCHITA,A DOMINANT DESERT ANNUAL INHABITING JUNGGAR BASIN OF XINJIANG, CHINA BIOMASS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF A TREE FERN ECOSYSTEM IN CHINA FLOWERING PHENOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE FEATURES OF THE RARE PLANT EREMOSPARTON SONGORICUM IN DESERT ZONE, XINJIANG, CHINA Review of research advances in soil respiration of grassland in China Rhizospheric soil of seedlings of Elaeagnus mollis colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Responses and regulation of canopy microclimate on formation spike from tillers of two types of wheat Adaptive regulation in reproductive strategy of two bunchgrasses under mowing disturbance in Inner Mongolia grassland Spatial patterns of Castanopsis eyrei and Schima superba in mid-subtropical broadleaved evergreen forest in Gutianshan National Reserve, China Seasonal differences in leaf carbon isotope composition among landscaping species of different life forms in Beijing, China Differences in leaf mass per area, photosynthetic pigments and δ13C by orientation and crown position in five greening tree species Compensatory growth of Carex scabrirostris in different habitats in alpine meadow Responses of the spatial-temporal distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots and yield to different ratios of nitrogen sources Temporal and spatial patterns of soil respiration in subtropical forests of eastern China Seed dormancy release and soil seed bank of three arid desert plants under burial conditions Characteristics of the soil seed banks and relationships with the vegetation in restored wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, northeast of China Spatial difference and regularity of seed dispersal of Ulmus macrocarpa in Horqin Sandy Land, China Contribution of fine root to soil nutrient heterogeneity at two sides of the bamboo and broadleaved forest interface A review of effects of fire disturbance on understory vegetation in boreal coniferous forest Spatially heterogeneous characteristics of surface soil particles around nebkhas in the Gobi Desert Antioxidant defense and photosynthesis for non-indigenous mangrove species Sonneratia apetala and Laguncularia racemosa under NaCl stress Mechanisms of rhizosphere priming effects and their ecological significance Effects of fungal endophyte infection on soil properties and microbial communities in the host grass habitat Analysis of soil respiration and components in Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on root exudates and phosphorus efficiency in Pinus massoniana families under low phosphorus stress Characteristics of soil seed banks and their relationships with aboveground vegetation in ditches in the Sanjiang Plain Effects of forest gap size on litter recalcitrant components of two tree species in Pinus massoniana plantations Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry at different growth stages in dominant tree species of a monsoon broad-leaved evergreen forest in Pu’er, Yunnan Province, China A review of research on responses of leaf traits to climate change The Relationships between Diversity of Dynamic Changes about Wheat Canopy Temperature and Source-sink Activity in Filling Stage e time and the demand of city Carbon Flux and Controlling Process of Alpine Meadow on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Research Advances of Chromosome Microdissection and Microcloning Technology and Its Utilizations in Plant Effects of Different Treatments on Frequency of Wheat Haploid Embryo Production through Wheat × Maize Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in a Chlorophyll b-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Cr3529 Pigment Component and Content in the Stem Tuber of Solanum tuberosum L. ‘‘‘‘Zhuanxinwu‘‘‘‘ Spatial distribution and habitat-association of snags in the tropical karst seasonal rainforest of Southwest Guangxi, China Effects of simulated acid rain on soil respiration in a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest at Dinghushan Nature Reserve Species composition and diversity of myxomycetes in Dinghu Mountain Nature Reserve Gas exchange characteristics in the mangrove associate Hibiscus tiliaceus Investigation of original materials of Chinese medicine “Shihu” and “Tiepishihu” Dissolution, absorption and bioaccumulation in gastrointestinal tract of mercury in HgS-containing traditional medicines Cinnabar and Zuotai Animal drugs quality status and reason analysis Analysis on medication principles for cough based on experience of Xu Di-hua, descendant of Meng He Medical School Chemical constituents from herb of Solanum lyratum Primary studies of toxicity-reducing and efficacy-maintaining action of fungal fermentative products in Tripterygium wilfordii by a novel bi-directional Solidstate fungal fermentation Experimental study on cytochrome P450 enzymes after receiving ferment powder caterpillar fungus hotmail.comPharmaceutical characteristics of brucine stealth liposomes Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Rice Seedling Inoculated with Sturdy-seeding Agent in Low-phosphorus Soil Isozyme Analysis of Stem and Leaf in Chrysanthemum during Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stages The Responses of Euonymus fortunei var. radicans Sieb. Leaf Photosynthesis to Light in Different Soil Moisture Effects of Root Restriction on Light-intercepting Capabilities and Some Physiological Characters in Young Trees of Different Nectarine Varieties Effects of Soil Moisture during the Co-growing Period on Leaf Specific Weight,WUE and Yield of Winter Wheat in Cotton and Wheat Inter-cropping The Sectioning of Caragana Chromosomes and the Karyotypes of Three Caragana species Species Diversity of Forest Communities in Southern Taihang Mountains,Shanxi Effects of Ecosystem Conversion on the Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon in Ziwuling Forest Region Vertical Differentiation of Wild Plants in Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve Extraction and Identification of Several Glucosinolates in Descurainia sophia Seeds Community Structure and Species Diversity in Liangucheng Nature Reserve of Minqin County Morphological and Physiological Disorders of Cotton Resulting from Potassium Deficiency Spatial Growth Differences of Planted Populus simonii and Their Ecological Effects on Soil Moisture in Hilly Loess Regions