Dissolution rate under soil in karst areas and the influencing factors of different land use patterns China water footprint trend analysis based on input-output tables The response of phosphorus in Julodis varioloris Pall to the environment in typical desert area of Sinkiang Changes of organic carbon and its labile fractions in topsoil with altitude in subalpine-alpine area of southwestern China Economic evaluation and protection of Amygdalus mira genetic resource Seasonal and annual variation characteristic in basal soil respiration of black loam under the condition of farmland field Responses of soil respiration to changes in depth of seasonal frozen soil in Ebinur Lake area, arid area of Northwest China Effects of P-efficient transgenic soybean on rhizosphere microbial community Behavioral patterns, influencing factors, functions and risks of social play in primates The characteristics of the spatial distribution of soil organic matter and factors influencing it in Ebinur Lake Basin of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China Spatial patterns of soil moisture at transect scale in the Loess Plateau of China Changes of leaf water potential and water absorption potential capacities of six kinds of seedlings in Karst mount area under different drought stress intensities: Taking six forestation seedlings in karst Mountainous region for example Evaluation on spatial distribution of soil salinity and soil organic matter by indicator Kriging in Yucheng City Spatial and temporal variation of solar radiation in recent 48 years in North China Effect of cutting management on soil moisture in semi-arid Loess Hilly region Spatial pattern of soil moisture and vegetation attributes along the critical area of desertification in Southern Mu Us Sandy Land Early responses of soil CO2 emission to simulating atmospheric nitrogen deposition in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau The relationship between pollen assemblage in topsoil and vegetation in karst mountain during different restoration period of typical vegetation community Enhancement of soil quality in a rice-wheat rotation after long-term application of poultry litter and livestock manure The fungal to bacterial ratio in soil food webs, and its measurement Effects of municipal compost extracted complex microbial communities on physio-ecological characteristics of turfgrass under drought stress Progress on water resources input-output analysis A prospect for study on isolated wetland Research on ecological barrier to Chang-Zhu-Tan metropolitan area A projection-pursuit based model for evaluating the resource-saving and environment-friendly society and its application to a case in Wuhan Nitrate contamination and source tracing from NO-315N in groundwater in Weifang, Shandong Province Main characteristics of physiological-ecological dynamics of soybean during the growth cycle under Cd stress Diversity of morphological characters of Apis cerana cerana in the different ecological conditions of South Anhui Mountainous Soil microbial biomass C, N, P and basal respiration in rhizosphere soil of typical plants on the Loess Plateau Dynamics of tree species composition and community structure of a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China Evaluation of an ecosystem service for avoiding phosphorus nonpoint source pollution of aquatic environment and its economic value: a case study from Ertan Reservoir in Yalong River Volatile compounds from the syconia of Ficus awkeotsang Makino and their attractiveness to pollinator wasps Comparative study of the formulas for calculating of outbreak control multi\|cycle plant disease Dynamics of soil nutritional factors and pH value of triploid Populus tomentosa plantation Effects of structures of plantation forests on soil infiltration characteristics in source water protect areas in northern Chongqing City Effects of different irrigation modes with reclaimed water on soil eco-hydrological characteristics of reed land Comprehensive evaluation of eco-environmental sensitivity in Northern Tibet Assessment of the food-web structure, energy flows, and system attribute of northern South China Sea ecosystem Effect of different vegetation types on agricultural non-point nitrogen pollution in riparian wetlands Altitudinal variation in functional traits of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica and their relationship to soil factors in Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China Roots distribution of three desert shrubs and their response to precipitation under co-occurring conditions Spatial distribution pattern of Solidago canadensis in Zhejiang Province and its relationship with anthropogenic activities Invasive structural foundation of exotic plant Canada goldenrod Surfactants enhance phytoremediation of heavy metal contamination by Potentilla griffithii var. velutina Analysis on spatio-temporal heterogeneity of vegetation landscape and its cause in Southern Yunnan Province Effect of different fertilizer applications on sustainable soil fertility and rice production in red soil paddy ecosystem Distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of Artemisia ordosica in desert Modeling soil respiration using temperature and soil moisture under alteration of dry and wet at a wheat field in the Loess Plateau, China Effects of heavy metal (copper, cadmium, zinc and lead) on marine inorganic carbon system in simulated experiments Soil respiration and its sensitivity to temperature in the typical shelter forests in a silting coastal area of Northern Jiangsu Province Effect of organic acids on inorganic phosphorus transformation in soils and its readily available phosphate Impact of alpine snowpacks on primary productivity in Rhododendron aureum community in Changbai Mountain, China The flux of dichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane along an elevational gradient of a coastal salt marsh, East China Distribution patterns of, and the effects of tillage type on, bacterial and fungal biomass within soil water\|stable aggregates Effects of rudimental stubble heights on the yield and source-sink characteristics of ratooning rice:a case study for two-line hybrid rice Peiliangyou 210 Effects of environmental actors on nutrient release characteristic of chitosan coated slow release fertilizers Microbial diversities of shelter\|forest soils in the extreme arid area The effect of land use changes on soil active organic carbon pool in Miyaluo forest zone of the western Sichuan Influence of point sources on heavy metal accumulation in different apartments of Jiaozhou Bay Construction of biomass unite model with nonlinear partial least squares regression:a case of study for bamboo biomass Effect of balanced fertilization and rain intensity on nutrient losses from a purple soil in Sichuan Mass loss and element release of litter in the subalpine forest over one freeze-thaw season Initiation stage to regulate the caragana growth and soil water in the semiarid area of Loess Hilly Region, China Effect of simulated acid rain on soil respiration of Pinus massoniana and Cunninghamia lanceolata Soil polarization of pure forests in the semi-humid loess hilly area of North Shaanxi, China Hierarchical Bayesian model for predicting the soil nitrogen of forest Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and aboveground biomass in abandoned
old-fields of Loess Hilly region in Northern Shaanxi, China
Changes among soil nematode community characteristics in relation to different vegetation restoration practices in the moderate degraded grasslands of Songnen Adsorption of dissolved organic carbon on paddy soils of subtropical China Effects of soil water gradient on photosynthesis and root spatial distribution in two Trifolium repens cultivars Effect of soil moisture on cell-wall metalbolism of pericarp in citrus Change of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities in the community invaded by Mikania micrantha, due to Cuscuta campestris parasitizing the invader Soil carbon sequestration and its potential by grassland ecosystems in China Effects of varied remote sensor spatial resolution and grain size on urban landscape pattern analysis Responses of biological soil crusts(BSC) from arid-semiarid habitats and polar region to global climate change Temperature suitability of longan and its changes in South China area Standing stock and production of phytoplankton in the northern South China Sea during winter of 2006 Identification of eco-healthy stressor for the Qingyang reach of Dagujia River Solar energy and water utilization of Quercus mongolica, a deciduous broadleaf tree, in different light regimes across the edge of a deciduous broad-forest Carbon accumulation and distribution in Pinus massonianaand Cunninghamia lanceolata mixed forest ecosystem in Daqingshan, Guangxi of China