Evaluation of ecological land based on RS and GIS: A case study of Dawa County, Liaoning Province Spatial variability of available nutrients contents in cropland soils in Gaoyang County of Hebei Province, China Effects of grafting on potassium use efficiency of different cotton genotypes Mechanism and Application Prospects of Plant Stomatal Immunity Induced by Phyllosphere Microbes Dynamic Changes in Flavonoid Content During Fruit Growth and Development of Citrus grandis cv. ‘Tomentosa’ Epistatic Effects and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) x Environment (QE) Interaction Effects for Yield per Plot and Botanical Traits in Soybean Relationship Between Volatile Constituents and β-glucosidase of Different Tea Varieties Radiosensitivity of Green Globular Bodies of Matteuccia struthiopteris Exposed to 60Coγ Radiation Studies of the Transient Expression and Transformation of Cloned Thermostable α-Amylase Genes from Bacillus licheniformis in Tobacco and Arabidopsis Elevational Patterns of Community Species Diversity of Potentilla glabra in Pangquangou of Shanxi Province The Application of Marginal Utility and the Development of High-yield,High-quality and High-benefit Agriculture Utilization of Plant Potentialities to Enhance the Bio-efficiency of Phosphorus in Soil Patterns and Tactics for Agro-economic Development in ECOTONE--A Case Study from Panxi Region in Sichuan Province Influence Factors to Agricultural Technical Innovation in China The probe of the Ten-years Eco-agricultural Practice in Jilin Province Nutrient Contents in Paulownia and Soil and Their Effects on Witches‘Broom Position and Functions of Anaerobic Digestion in Eco-agriculture Corn Starch Gel and Plant Tissue Culture I. Effects of Corn Starch Gel Medium on Differentiation and Growth of Malus Zumi and M26 Potential Productivity of Light and Heat Resources and Its Utilization in Winter Wheat Field Features of Rural Garden Economy and Tactics for Its Development A Report on Eco-agricultural Development in Xining City Establishing Forest Environmental Resource Industry to Promote the Sustainable Development of Forestry Application of Farming System Approach to Researches on Sustainable Farming System Development Combination of Subsistence with Development:Rising of the Agroforestry Sustainable Agriculture is an Effective Way of Improving Rural Economy and Protecting Ecological Balance The Influences of CO2 Concentration Doubling on Growth and Development,Yield Formation and Germination Percentage of Winter Wheat Population Supporting Capacity of Land(PSCL) in Dabie Mountainous Region in Hubei Province Effects of Cultivation Techniques for High-yield and High-benefit Growing of Foxtail Millet A Review of Certain Problems in Intercropping Research An Approach Confirming The Representative Regions of an Agroecological Experimental Station--A Case Study from Changwu Agroecological Exprimental station Discussion of Problems in Agro-eco-system Assessment Limitation Factors to the Yield of Winter Wheat Growing on Non-irrigated Land in Heilonggang Area Modelling the Biomass Dynamics of Alpine Meadow Effects of System Factors on Productivity of Key Agricultural Elements Development and Prospect of Land Resource Economics in China Energy Flow in the Agroecosystem of Farming-Livestock-Fruit Study on Rational Land Use for Comprehensive Agro-development--A Case Study from Jixian County,Shanxi Province The Effects of Microgeomorphology on Soil Formation and Agricultural Utilization in Modern Yellow River Delta Material-flow Structure and Nitrogen-recycling Efficiency of Kangji Ecological Farm Microclimate in the Downland Region of Taihang Mountains and the Construction of Artifical Vegetation On the Systematic Position of Amentotaxus from Its Embryological Investigation Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Discovery of Bisexual Flowers in Pterocarya Stenoptera C. DC. The Chromosome Numbers of 12 Species in Orchidaceae from China The Karyotype Analysis of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Chromosome Observations of Some Medical Plants in Xinjiang Origin and Evolution of Rosaceae Two New Species of Rhododendron from China On the Genus Ceterachopsis (J. Sm.) Ching A Supplement to the 《Flora of Xizang》 (2) Chromosome Studies of 10 Species of Aconitum in China A Study on the Chinese Ormosia Jacks. (Cont.) A Preliminary Study on the Taxonomy of the Family Magnoliaceae A New Species of the Genus Phlegmariurus from Guangxi, China A New Species of Acidosasa from Hunan Province A New Species of Excoecaria (Euphorbiaceae) from Vietnam A New Species of Derris from China New Plants of Lauraceae from Guizhou New Taxa of Moraceae from China and Vietnam A Supplement to the Flora of Xizang (Tibet) (1) Duo Genera Nova Gesneriacearum e Sina Australi Echinocodon Hong, a New Genus of Campanulaceae and Its Systematic Position Pollen Morphology of the Subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae) Two New Ferns from Shandong Province Four New Species of Arachniodes Blume from China Pollen Tetrads in Lilium with a Discussion on the Delimitation Between L.semer vivoideum and Its Ally Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves of Cephalotaxus (Cephalotaxaceae) A Study on the Genus Cephalotaxus Sieb. et Zucc. On the Systematic Position of Amentotaxus from Its Embryological Investigation Endemism in the Flora of China—Studies on the Endemic Genera Discovery of Bisexual Flowers in Pterocarya Stenoptera C. DC. The Chromosome Numbers of 12 Species in Orchidaceae from China The Karyotype Analysis of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen Two New Species of Rhododendron from China On the Genus Ceterachopsis (J. Sm.) Ching A Supplement to the 《Flora of Xizang》 (2) Chromosome Studies of 10 Species of Aconitum in China Studies on Pollen Morphology in Tiliaceae of China New Taxa from Hunan A New Species of Potamogeton from Hubei

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