BIOLOGICAL AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW PHYTIC ACID MAIZE INBRED LINE MUTANT FLAVOR COMPOSITION CHANGES DURING “JINGTIAN No.2” WAXY CORN SOFT CAN PROCESSING EFFECT of  60Co γrays IRRADIATION ON PLANT REGENERATION  FROM CALLUS of SEA DALLISGRASS (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) 60Co γ-IRRADIATION  INDUCED MUTATION BREEDING OF GINGER EFFECTS OF THE IRRADIATED POLLEN ASSISTING POLLINATION TECHNIQUE ON THE SEEDSET OF LILY’S DISTANT CROSS AND EARLY MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF THE HYBRIDS ISOLATION OF mtDNA FRAGMENTS ASSOCIATED TO CMS IN HOT PEPPER BY AFLP TECHNIQUE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION ON SOIL ENZYME ACTIVITY AND NUTRIENTS THE WAVELET ANALYSIS ON THE SOIL EROSION INTENSITY IN THE BLACK SOIL STRAIGHT CULTIVATED SLOPE Effects of  60Co γ- Rays Irradiation on Germination and Seedling Growth of Hibiscus syriacus THE EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON THE ACTIVITY OF PROTECTIVE ENZYMES IN CAPER SPURGE(Euphorbia lathyris L.) SEEDLINGS PHENOTYPIC VARIATION OF Euonymus fortunei BRANCHES TREATED by ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS,LASER AND THEIR COMBINATION TREATMENT ON WHEAT THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT POLLINATION METHODS ON OVERCOMING DISTANT CROSS BARRIERS OF THE LILY ‘CORDELIA‘×Lilium dauricum THE EFFECT OF ~(60)COγ IRRADIATION ON CULTURE IN VITRO OF Pogostemon cablin(BLANCO) BENTH ~(60)Co γ-IRRADIATION MUTATION INDUCTION FOR SCREENING OF AVILAMYCIN STRAINS WITH HIGH PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS CULTURE MEDIUM OPTIMIZATION EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ RAYS RADIATION ON SEED VIGOR AND YOUNG SEEDLING GROWTH OF Phyllostachys edulis EFFECTS OF CONDITION IN VITRO ON THE IRRADIATION SENSITIVITY OF SCALES EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ-IRRADIATION ON POSTHARVEST QUALITY OF Pleurotus nebrodensis STORED AT 4℃ THE EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON SEEDS AND BRANCHES OF Euonymus fortunei THE EFFECT OF γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON SEEDS GERMINATION AND ENZYME ACTIVITY OF TALL FESCUE Establishment of High Efficiency System in Wheat Haploid from Wheat×Maize MUTAGENIC EFFECTS OF RICE CARRIED BY RECOVERALLBE SATELLITE AND IRRADIATED WITH ~(60)Co γ-RAY EFFECT OF ~(60)Co γ-RAY IRRADIATION TO Agricus blazei ON THE FATTY ACID CONTENT OF THEIR FRUITBODIES ENHANCEMENT OF ANTIOXIDANT ENZYMES‘ ACTIVITIES BY IRRADIATION IN Deinococcus radiodurans EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAY IRRADIATION ON GROWTH CHARACTERS OF Chamaecrista SEEDS EFFECT OF ~( 60 ) Co γ IRRADIATION ON GROWTH AND GENETIC MUTATION OF CHRYSANTHEMUM CUTTINGS EFFECT OF ~ (60) Co γ IRRADIATION STERILIZATION ON CALCIUM LACTIVE ACID BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF ~ 60 Co γ IRRADIATION ON Trichoderma BREEDING,CHARACTERIZATION AND APPLICATION OF A NEW EARLY SEASON INDICA RICE VARIETY ZHEFU 910 THE STUDY ON THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF Armillaria mellea IRRADIATED WITH ~(60) Co γ-RAY THE BREEDING OF A WHEAT MUTANT POLLEN-DERIVED VARIETY CHUANFU No.5 AND THE RELATED TECHNIQUES BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF SPACE FLIGHT,γ\|RAY IRRADIATION AND THEIR COMBINATIONS WITH IN VITRO CULTURE ON RICE A STUDY ON THE RADIATIVE MUTATION ON THE SEEDS OF ADZUKI BEAN BY ~(60)Co γ RAY MEASUREMENT OF DOSE FIELD AFTER SUPPLEMENT SOURCE IN 60 Co IRRADIATION CHAMBER CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS RESISTANT MUTANT FROM TOBACCO‘S ANTHERS TREATED WITH γ RAY THROUGH ANTHER CULTURE Simulation of developmental rate and temperature trend, and assessement of resistance risk to pyridaben of Tetranychus truncatus Ehara Comparison of soil acid phosphatase activity determined by different methods Ecological effect of Trichoderma agent on platform field soil improvement in saline coastal area Effects of lac-corn agroforest ecosystem on ground-dwelling antdiversity and functional groups Influence of density correction on latent heat, CO2 flux and energy balance closure in winter wheat/summer maize rotation fields Effect of different drip irrigation amounts on microclimate and yield of winter wheat Simulation method of cotton root length growth based on dynamic programming theory Evaluation of the suitability and influencing factors of winter rapeseed planting in Gansu Province Variation of standard farming system in agro-pastoral transition zones of northern and southern foothills of Yinshan Mountains in recent thirty years Potential grain output and technology approaches in the plain around the Bohai Sea in Shandong Province Detoxification enzymes activities in two color morphs of pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) treated with different sub-lethal concentrations of avermectin Effect of temperature on development and fecundity of pyridaben resistant and susceptible populations of Tetranychus truncates Ehara (Acari: Tetranychidae) Determining antifungal spectrum and mechanism of Trichoderma longibrachiatum in vitro Soil soluble organic matter, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities in forest plantations in degraded red soil region of Jiangxi Province, China. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and its formation causes of soil physical properties in karst peak-cluster depression area of northwest Guangxi, China. The Role of Banana MaASR1 in Drought Stress Tolerance Spatial and temporal variations in optimum sowing date of winter wheat in Shijiazhuang City Spatial distribution characteristics and impact on spring maize yield of drought in Northeast China Characteristics of climate habitats of edible wild fungi in Yunnan Province Effects of different leek cultivars on the growth, development and fecundity of Bradysia difformis Frey Structural attribute and optimization of farmland and non-cropped green-land patches of agricultural landscape: A case study of Fengqiu County, Henan Province Effects of long-term straw incorporation on cadmium speciation and bioavailability in paddy soils in Deyang Area Comprehensive Evaluation of the Agroecological Environment in the Hilly Loess Region of Shanxi Province The Optimizing Design of the Agro-economic System for Mengu Town of Fang County in Qingba Mountain District Effects of Soil Conditions on Root Growth of Winter Wheat Developing Stable Nullisomic Wheat by Blue Grain Monosomic Wheat A Study on Forming Anti-drought and Anti-flood System in Haihe Plain Some Problems in Ecological Aricultural County Planning On the Conformable Functions of Agroecosystem Biodiversity and Agroforestry Management in China Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen deposition on the biomass accumulation and allocation in south subtropical main native tree species and their mixed communities. Systematic Metabolic Engineering of ω-7 Fatty Acids in Plants Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of Karlodinium veneficum Isolated from the East China Sea in China Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activities of the Essential Oils Isolated from Leaves of Mentha × piperita, M. haplocalyx and M. × gentilis Reseach of index system framework in marine ecology monitoring & regulation areas division based on complex ecosystem of nature-human-society The Embryology of Nyssa sinensis Oliv. (Nyssaceae) Pollen Morphology of the Betulaceae Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (XIV) Chromosome Numbers of Some Scattered Bamboos Chromosome Number and Development of Gametophytes in Euptelea pleiospermum (Eupteleaceae) A Taxonomic Revision on Genus Aristolochia Subgenus Pararistolochia Cytotaxonomical Studies of Tea Plants Cytological Studies of the Genus Nomocharis and Its Related Genera Materials for Chinese Psychotria Linn.(Rubiaceae) A New Species of Girardinia Gaudich.(Urticaceae) and Its Infraspecific New Combinations

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