THE INTRODUCTION AND CULTIVATION OF CINNAMOMUM CASSIA IN YUNNAN PROVINCE Pharmacological Study on Spleen-stomach Warming and Analgesic Action of Cinnamomun cassia Presl Studies On Introduction and Cultivation of Cinnamomim cassia Presl Studies on the Biology and Control of Cophoprora Cinnamomum cassia Study of Cryopreservation on Cinnamomum cassia Excised Embryos Studies on Toxin Produced by Botryodiplodia theobromae Comparative experiments in bark of Cinnamomum cassia and its adulterants by HSGC-MS Comparison of Bacteriostatic Ability among Oleum of Perilla frutescens (L.)Britt., Cinnamomum cassia Presl and Nipagin A STUDY ON COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION FOR MULTI-CHARACTERS IN CINNAMOMUM CASSIA PRESL Effects of essential oil from Cinnamomum Cassia on Clostridia flora IV and Bacteroides in gut of rats Chemical constituents from barks of Cinnamomum cassia growing in China Studies on chemical constituents in dried tender stem of Cinnamomum cassia Determination of cinnamic acid in Cinnamomum cassia presl after compatibility in Coptis chinensis Franch Biomass and Productivity of Strified Mixed Stands of Pinus massoniana and Cinnamomum cassia A Textual Investigation on Ancient Name of Cassia Twig Chemical constituents from Cinnamomum cassia

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