Allopatric Captive Rearing in the Tropics Increases the Growth Rates of Deinagkistrodon acutus Snakelets Studies on the Stability of Sodium Taurocholate in Different Media and in the Course of Sterilization Identification of Head Skeleton of 10 Snake Drugs Identification of Skeleton of 40 Species of Snake Studies on the Physico-chemical Identification of Seven Shake-drugs A Study on Identification of Yi Nationaiity‘s Secret Recipe for Treating Snakebites Studies on Identification of Seven Snake-drugs by Iso-electric Point Identification of Seven Snake-drugs by Protein Viscosity Expression of Actin Gene During Development of Snake Gourd (Luffa cylindrica) and Cucumber (Cucumis sativum) The Cloning and Expression Characteristics of A Full-length cDNA of MHC I from Snakehead Channa argus Application of rapid PCR to authenticate medicinal snakes Immunocompetence effects of polysaccharide of snakegourd root on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro Progress in studies on antitumor effect of Snake Venom Cloning and analysis of the partial cDNA sequence of Taiwan snakehead(Channa maculata) uncoupling protein 2 Gene Effect of intercropping tea with citrus, waxberry, or snake gourd on population density and spatial distribution of the tea green leafhopper and araneids Relationships among female body size, clutch size, and egg size in captive Deinagkistrodon acutus The impact of xiaomo highway and local roads in Xishuangbanna on Snakes′ activities

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