Carbon losses from forest fire in Jiangxi Province, China in 1950-2008. Study on the Ecological Functions of Sixty-five Garden Species in Wuhan City, China Effect of granule size and coating thickness on nitrogen release characteristics of controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) Appraisal of nitrogen releasing characteristics of organic polymer coating controlled-release fertilizer Study on nitrogen characteristics of coated controlled-release fertilizer with different particle sizes Effects of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer application on dry matter accumulation and nitrogen balance of summer maize. Role of nitrogen fixing trees in mixed forest Ⅲ Leaf litter decomposition and its N release of nitrogen fixing tree species Combustion efficiency of small-scale meadow fire in Daxinganling Mountains Evaluation of group clustering synchronization release of Daidai Flavones Dropping Pills based on characteristic spectrum Intenstinal absorption mechanism and in vitro-in vivo correlation of norcantharidin nanoparticles Research progress in the eco-environmental effects of urban green spaces Evaluation of forest ecosystem carbon fixation and oxygen release services in Shaanxi Province from 1999 to 2003 Pollen release mechanisms of papilionaceous plants (Faboideae) Decomposition regularity of organic materials in Sanjiang Plain region The influence of light and growth stage on oxygen diffusion capacity of Acorus calamus roots Nitrogen release characteristics of coated urea amended with biological inhibitors in meadow brown soil Carbon sequestration and oxygen release as well as cooling and humidification efficiency of the main greening tree species of Sha River, Chengdu Effects of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers on yield and quality of Chinese cabbage and their related mechanisms Inheritance of Elite Alleles of Yield and Quality Traits in the Pedigrees of Major cultivar Families Released in Huanghuai Valleys and Southern China Application of CITYGREEN model in air purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release by greenbelt system of Shenzhen City Ecosystem Service Value’s Prediction of Forest Carbon Fixation,Oxygen Release and Air Purification of Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen Simulation of Nitrogen Release from Decomposition of Straw Manure Function of Carbon Sequestration and Oxygen Release of Rubber Plantations and Its Value Estimation Forest change and its impact on the quantity of oxygen release in Heilongjiang Province during the Past Century CHANGE OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND RESPONSE TO LOW WATER POTENTIAL OF EVERGREEN TREE SPECIES IN THE PROCESS OF HIBERNATION Floral morphology and its relationship with pollination systems in Papilionoideae