作 者 :Oksana O. Kolachevskaya Keywords:Auxin, gene expression, Solanum tuberosum, tms1, transgenic potato, tuberization, tuber yield, Abstract: Phytohormones, auxins in particular, play an important role in plant development and productivity. Earlier data showed positive impact of exogenous auxin on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuberization. The aim of this study was to generate potato plants with increased auxin level predominantly in tubers. To this end, a pBinB33-tms1 vector was constructed harboring the Agrobacterium auxin biosynthesis gene tms1 fused to tuber-specific promoter of the class I patatin gene (B33-promoter) of potato. Among numerous independently generated B33:tms1 lines, those without visible differences from control were selected for detailed studies. In the majority of transgenic lines, tms1 gene transcription was detected, mostly in tubers rather than in shoots. Indoleacetic acid (IAA) content in tubers and the auxin tuber-to-shoot ratio were increased in tms1-expressing transformants. The organ-specific increase in auxin synthesis in B33:tms1-transformants accelerated and intensified the process of tuber formation, reduced the dose of carbohydrate supply required for in vitro tuberization, and decreased the photoperiodic dependence of tuber initiation. Overall, a positive correlation was observed between tms1 expression, IAA content in tubers, and stimulation of tuber formation. The revealed properties of B33:tms1 transformants imply an important role for auxin in potato tuberization and offer prospects to magnify potato productivity by a moderate organ-specific enhancement of auxin content. Kolachevskaya OO, Alekseeva VV, Sergeeva LI, Rukavtsova EB, Getman IA, Vreugdenhil D, Buryanov YI, Romanov GA (2015) Expression of auxin synthesis gene tms1 under control of tuberspecific promoter enhances potato tuberization in vitro. J Integr Plant Biol 57: 734-744. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12314