Expression Profile Analysis of Maize Resistance Under Osmotic Stress Induced by Secondary Metabolites of Endophytes Cloning and Expression Analysis of Gene nm23 during Ovarian Development of Portunus trituberculatus Effect of Ripening, Wounding and Ethylene Treatment on Expression of ACC Oxidase Gene of Peach Tissue Expression and Sequence Analysis of a cDNA Relative to Orchid Ovule Development Cloning and Characterization of a Circadian Rhythm regulated psaH cDNA in Pharbitis nil Preliminary Studies of the Identification and Expression of Metallothionein-Like Gene in Festuca rubra Duration and dosage effect of chemical defense in maize (Zea mays) mediated by exogenous ethephon Nitrogen Under- and Over-supply Induces Distinct Protein Responses in Maize Xylem Sap Gene expression and physiological responses to salinity and water stress of contrasting durum wheat genotypes Multi-scale modeling of Arabidopsis thaliana response to different CO2 conditions: From gene expression to metabolic flux Effects of low-dose nematicides on expression of three HSP70 mRNA in Ditylenchus destructor Effects of calcium treatments on cell wall material metabolism and related enzyme activities and gene expression in grapefruit(Citrus paradisi Macf.) Gene expression and signal transduction of plants under drought stress in vivo Expression of Two Citrus AP2/ERF Genes Under Different Hormone and#br# Stress Treatments Analysis on the Senescence and the Expression of Aging-related Genes During Grape Berry Postharvest Storage Expression and Function Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene PpeKUP5 in Peach Identification and Expression Analysis Under Abiotic Stresses of the bHLH Transcription Factor Gene Family in Watermelon Resistance of Two Different Melon Varieties Against Powdery Mildew and Its Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism Resistance of Two Different Melon Varieties Against Powdery Mildew and Its Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism Effects of Exogenous Divalent Cations Ca2+ and Cu2+ on Expression of Genes Involved in Ascorbate Metabolism in Rosa roxburghii Fruits Effects of Non-acid Rhizosphere pH on the Iron Elements Uptakes and Expressions of Iron Metabolism Related Genes in Blueberry Effect of NAA Treatment on Sugar Acid Content and Related Gene Expression in Grape Berries Effect of NAA Treatment on Sugar Acid Content and Related Gene Expression in Grape Berries Carotenoid Metabolism and Gene Expression Analysis of‘CN9’Nectarine and Its Yellow Flesh Mutant‘CN9Y’ Construction of a Cucumber cDNA Microarray and Its Application in the Study of Response of Cucumber Plants to Magnesium Deficiency Stress Construction of a Cucumber cDNA Microarray and Its Application in the Study of Response of Cucumber Plants to Magnesium Deficiency Stress Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato Cloning and Expression Analysis of Glycerol-3-phosphate AcyltransferaseGene from Sweet Pepper Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library and Analysis of Related Genes of Floral Buds in Prunus persica During Dormancy-releasing Effect of Ethylene and 1-MCP on Ethylene Production and Related Gene Expression in Floral Tissues of Roses Expression of Transcriptional Factors and Structural Genes of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Purple-heading Chinese Cabbage Isolation of RhTRE1 and Its Expression in Response to Ethylene During Flower Opening of Roses Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of nsLTP Gene in Celery The Relationship Between the Expression of Key Genes in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and the Color of Chrysanthemum Isolation and Expressing Profile Analysis of Enlarging Related Genes in Lotus Root Rhizome Response of ACCase, DGAT2 and PEPC genes in developing seeds of Brassica napus L. to different nitrogen levels Effects of calcium on activities and gene expressions of superoxide dismutase and catalase in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) fruits Effects of calcium on content of calmodulin, activity of Ca2 +-ATPase and their gene expressions in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) fruits Proteomic analysis of nitrogen stress-responsive proteins in the leaves of tall fescue Effects of spermidine on proline metabolism, antioxidant enzyme activity and gene expression in white clover leaves under water stress The antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression induced by spermidine in leaves of white clover Stability Analysis of Reference Genes for Larch Gene Expression Studies by Quantitative Real-Time PCR Short Communication Involvement of Calcium-calmodulin in the Expression of hsp26 Gene in Wheat The Differential Expression of Monosaccharide Transporter Genes in Disease-free Sugarcane Plants Research Progress of Transcription Factors in Solanaceae Plants Activation and Regulation on the Cold Response Pathway of ICE1-CBF in Plants The Differential Expression of Genes for Key Enzymes in Gibberellin Metabolism in Potato Mutant The Expression of Transcription Factor GATA4 Gene in Takifugu rubripes Expression profiling of genes related to photosynthesis and antioxidant capacity in flue-cured tobacco seedlings subjected to chilling stress Cloning and Characterization of a Phosphate Transporter Gene of Pht1 Family in Maize Cloning and Analysis of Copper-zinc-superoxide Dismutase Gene (PpCuZnSOD) from Prunus persica CLONING AND EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF C4H AND ANR GENES IN PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) Construction of prokaryotic expression vector of Arabidopsis pumila chitinase and its expression in Escherichia coil GGE-Biplot Analysis on Gene Expression of Seven Key Genes Mediating Biosynthesis of Steroidal Glycoalkaloid in Potato Studies on Dynamic Change of Alkaloids Contents and Expression of the Associated Biosynthetic Genes in Catharathus roseus Leaves Cloning, characterization and prokaryotic expression of lactate dehydrogenase C cDNA in Tamias sibiricus Development of foreign gene expression strategy in plant virus vector SOME ADVANCES IN THE SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION RESEARCH OF HIGHER PLANTS Comparisons of Morphological Variation and Cellular Osmotic Potential Adjustment between Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides and its Native Congener A. sessilis under Different Water Treatments Gene Expression Profile and Main Function Genes during Ear Development in a Highly Heterotic Hybrid of Maize Inheritance,Mapping and Qrigin of the Yellow-Seeded Traits in Brassica juncea Cloning and characterization of the NAC-Like Gene AhNAC2 and AhNAC3 in Peanut Cloning and Characterization of a MBF1 Transcriptional Coactivator Factor in Wheat Induced by Stripe Rust Pathogen Cloning and Expression of Transcription Factor TaMyb2s in Wheat Cloning and Functional Identification of the Two MYB Transcription Factors GmMYBJ6 and GmMYBJ7 in Soybean Differential Gene Expression in Uppermost Internode between Wheat Hybrid and Its Parents Analysis of Gene Expression Profile Responsed to Water Stress in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedling Gene Expression Analysis during the Fiber Elongation Period in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION AND EXPRESSION PATTERN OF RALF-LIKE GENE BcMF14p FROM Brassica campestris var.purpurea Cloning of CsCCD7 and Its Expression in Cucumis sativus L. Identification and characterization of Argonaute gene family and meiosis-enriched Argonaute during sporogenesis in maize Genome-wide identification, evolution, and expression analysis of RNA-binding glycine-rich protein family in maize Analysis of metabolic alterations in Arabidopsis following changes in the carbon dioxide and oxygen partial pressures Physiological and Molecular Features of Puccinellia tenuiflora Tolerating Salt and Alkaline-Salt Stress Cotton AnnGh3 Encoding an Annexin Protein is Preferentially Expressed in Fibers and Promotes Initiation and Elongation of Leaf Trichomes in Transgenic Arabidopsis Molecular Cloning and Expression of Cycloartenol Synthase Gene from Dioscorea zingiberensis Cloning and Expression Analysis of BnFLA Gene from Brassica napus Isolation and Expression Analysis of DkADH1 Gene from‘Nantong Xiaofangshi’Persimmon Isolation and Expression Analysis of DkADH1 Gene from‘Nantong Xiaofangshi’Persimmon Cloning and Expression Analysis of CsSPMS in Tea Plant

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