Abstract:Leaf senescence that occurs in the last stage of leaf development is a genetically programmed process. It is very significant to isolate the upstream components in the senescence signaling pathway and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that control the initiation and progression of leaf senescence. In this study, full-length cDNAs of three receptor-like protein kinase genes, designated rlpk1, rlpk2 and rlpk3, were cloned from artificially-induced senescent soybean (Glycine max L.) primary leaves (GenBank accession AY687390, AY687391, AF338813). The deduced amino acid sequences indicated that they belonged to a receptor-like kinase family. Each of rlpk1 and rlpk2 encodes a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like protein kinase. They both comprise a typical signal peptide, several LRR motifs, a single-pass transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic protein kinase domain. No typical extracellular domain of RLPK3 was predicted. Organ-specific expression pattern analysis by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed higher expression levels of the three genes in cotyledons, roots and flowers. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that RLPK1 and RLPK2 belonged to an independent branch, whereas RLPK3 shared common nodes with several known RLKs responding to abiotic and biotic stresses. The evident alternations of expression profiles of rlpk1 and rlpk2 induced by the artificial senescence-inducing treatment implied involvements of these two RLKs in regulating soybean leaf senescence. (Author for correspondence. Tel: 022 2350 3714;022 2350 8800;E-mail:wangnn@nankai.edu.cn)