The Correct Author Citation for Cycas hongheensis and C. parvula (Cycadaceae) A New Genus and Species—Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu of Cycadaceae from the Permian of China On Cycas taiwaniana Carruthers (Cycadaceae) and the Cycads of South-eastern China Plantlets with Multi-shoots of Cycas revoluta Thunb in Vitro Improving of RAPD reaction system in Cycas and studies on the genetic relationships of some species Plantlets with Multi-shoots of Cycas revoluta Thunb in Vitro RNA Editing Sites Exist in Protein-Coding Genes in the Chloroplast Genome of Cycas Taitungensis A new species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from Hainan Island The Ecological Geographic Distribution, Spatial Pattern and Collecting History of Cycas panzhihuaensis Populations A new species of genus Cycas from China Studies on the Habitat,Population Structure and Dynamics of Cycas tanqingii Karyotype Analysis of Cycas panzhihuaensis L. Zhou et S. Y. Yang A New C-Glycosylflavone from the Leaves of Cycas panzhihuaensis Identification of a Sex-associated RAPD Marker in Cycas tanqingii D.Y.Wang Karyotype Analysis of Cycas debaoensis KARYOTYPE ANALYSIS OF CYCAS CHANGJIANGENSIS ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON PINNA E OF CYCAS MIQUELII AND C.FERRUGINEA Supplementary Description of Cycas multipinnata C. J. Chen et S. Y.Yang Distribution and type locality of Cycas taiwaniana Studies on the Pollination Vectors of Cycas enlongata Karyotypes of Five Species in Cycas Study on anatomy of the stem of Cycas segmentifida Cycas chenii (Cycadaceae), a new species from China, and its phylogenetic position Study on physiological characters of cold resistance of Cycas revoluta Research on technology of sowing and cultivating seedling of cycad(Cycus revoluta) Seed Coat Structure Traits of Cycas revoluta Thunb. Population Characteristics and Conservation of Cycas fairylakea Embryo and Endosperm Structures of Cycas revoluta Thunb.Seeds A STUDY OF POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF THE GENUS CYCAS FROM CHINA The root nodules and the nitrogen fixation property of the Cycas Panzhihuaensis Pollination Biology of Cycas panzhihuaensis L. Zhou et S.Y.Yang Biological Properties, Trunk Anatomy and Growth Patterns of Cycas panzhihuaensis Establishment of Cycas micholitzii ISSR-PCR Optimal Conditions with Orthogonal Optimization Method Microsporogenesis of Cycas elongata and its systematic implication Comparative study on several physiological characters among the re introduced population of Cycas debaoensis Study on Anatomy of the Root of Cycas guizhouensis ( Cycadaceae) Notes on Cycas multipinnata C. J. Chen et S. Y. Yang Cycas debaoensis Y. C. Zhong et C. J. Chen—A New Cycad from China A New Species of the Genus Cycas from Hainan Island, China Microsporogenesis of Cycas and its systematic implications KARYOTYPES AND KARYOTYPICAL EVOLUTION IN FIVE CYCAS SPECIES OF CHINA Karyotype Analysis of Five Species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) in China An Effective Protocol for the Isolation of RNA from Cycad Leaves Studies on pollen germination and storage of Cycas species Analysis on the different characteristic of calcium in the seed of Cycas guizhouensis Screening of microsatellite loci by cross-species amplification and their use in Cycas fairylakea(Cycadaceae) A new species of Leptocycas (Zamiaceae) from the Upper Triassic sediments of Liaoning Province, China

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