Calculation and Regulation of Forest Stand Density According to Soil Water Carrying Capacity:A Case of Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation in Liupan Mountains Visualized Simulation of Interactive Thinning in Chinese Fir Plantation Based on Workflow Technique Effect analysis of release cutting for young growth of artificial Korean pine forest The Effect of Silvicultural Management on the Production of Moso Bamboo Plantations for Pulp-making Effect of stand Structure,Site Condition and Management Method on the Productivity of Bamboo Stands COMPARISONS BETWEEN PURE STANDS OF CHINESE FIR,FUKIENCYPRESS AND MIXED STANDS OF THESE TWO SPECIES IN GROWTH, STRUCTURE, BIOMASS AND ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS STUDY ON THE STAND STRUCTURE LAW OF MULTI-STORIES MIXED UNEVENAGED PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. PLANTATIONS Study on the Biomass and Soil Fertility of Pure and Mixed Stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata,Liriodendron chinense and Sassafras tsumu Effects of Terrain on Stand Structure and Vegetation Carbon Storage of Phyllostachys edulis Forest STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF BAMBOO FOREST STANDS Study on Growth and Succession Imitate System of Natural Mixture Forest in Northeast Wood‘s Area Recovery and its Quantitative Expression of the Planted Young trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest The Natural Thinning and Structural Pattern of the Intermediate Cutting Intensity in the Cunninghamia lanceolata Stand VARIATIONS OF SPATIAL PATTERN IN FIRE-MEDIATED MONGOLIAN PINE FOREST, HULUN BUIR SAND REGION, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA Species Composition and Stand Structures of 3 Forest Communities under Different Protection Regimes in Nanling National Nature Reserve Vegetation structure in relation to micro-landform in Tiantong National Forest Park,Zhejiang,China Study on Structure Optimization of Dendrocalamus brandisii Shoot and Stock-Producing Stand Patterns of Mass loss,Nutrient Accumulation and Release of Leaf Litter in the Moso(Phyllostachys pubescens) Stands The suitable stand structure and hydrological effects of the cypress protection forests in the central Sichuan hilly region Study on the Distribution Pattern Characteristics of DifferentStand Structures in Larix gmelinii Natural Forest The Characteristics of Stand Structure and Spatial Distribution of Quercus liaotungensis Forests in Liupan Mts. Research on Virtua l Forest Env ironment Construction Characteristics of Biomass Carbon Density of Larix principis- rupprechtii Plantation in Liupan Mountains of Ningxia Uniform Angle Index (W) Confidence Interval of the Random Distribution and Its Application Analysis of Structure Characteristics of Main Tree Species in Spruce-Fir Overcutting Forest Biomass and Its Allocation of the Main Vegetation Types in Liupan Mountains The Structure of A Culm and Shoot Producing Stand of Phyllostachys pubescens Effects of stand structure regulation on soil labile organic carbon in Pinus elliottii plantation. A Study on Felling Age of Chinese Fir Plantation Research summary of the negative influences of the mulched ecosystem of Phyllostachys praecox f.prevernalis forests with organic materials The influence of typhoon Bolaven to semi-natural larch-spruce-fir forests in northeast China Effects of crop tree release on stand growth and stand structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation. Species Composition and Structure Dynamics in Mongolian Oak-Korean Pine Forest

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