Diversity of Leguminous Rhizobia in Pamirs Plateau of China Influence of Low Doses Microwave Radiation on Activities of Antioxidative Enzymes of Isatis indigotica Seedlings Exposed to Enhanced UV-B Radiation Roles of miRNA in Plant Development and Adaptabilities Distribution of NO-3-N of maize rhizosphere in rhizosphere soil under style ofdifferent irrigation Determination of active constituents in fifteen species Swertia of genus by high performance liquid chromatography Recovery of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) haploid plants through pollination by irradiated pollens and embryo culture Effect of temperature on growth and artemisinin biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua Morphological and cytological observations on interspecific hybridization F1 from Cucumis sativus×C.hystrix Characteristic in photosynthesis,transpiration and water use efficiency of Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum of desert species Primary study on vegetation succession of saline land in the bird island of Qinghai Lake Chemical constituents of Veronica ciliate,as a psychrophyte from Northwest China Evapotranspiration measurements of community using weighting method RAPD analysis of population genetic diversity of Taxus mairei Studies on flower bud differentiation and changes of endogenous hormones of Gossypium hirsutum Progresson gene-for-gene recognition in plant-pathogen interaction system Distribution of Na~+ and K~+ in cotton plant under NaCl stress and salt tolerance Significance on ecological indication of Selaginella sinensis in reconstructing past environment Thetransmission characteristics of E chromosome in VE161 wheat 陕西渭北旱塬土壤-植物-大气连续体中水分运转规律的研究──Ⅰ.生态环境对植物叶温的影响 The Study on Serology of Cyloplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus from Thosea postornata Advances in Biosynthesis and Regulatory Cascades of Plant ta-siRNA Accumulation of Pb in Epiphytic Plant Tillandsia brachycaulos Research Advances of Virus-induced Gene Silencing Technology in Plant Coupling Relationship between Species Diversity of Planted Chinese Pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) Communities and Environment Factors in Mountain Area of Shangluo Regulation of Exogenous H2O2 on Rice Seedlings Chilling Tolerance Genetic Effects and Environmental Interactions of Early Maturity in Short-season Cotton Glycosidal Steroidal alkaloids from Notholirion bulbuliferum The effect of soil and air temperature on photosynthesis and transpiration of Primula sinopurpurea Primary studies on the daily dynamic changes of photo-synthesis and transpiration of Salix psammophila Biomass and its distribution of Chinese-fir treated with aqueous extracts of several tree species after six years Studies on the change of ABA content and respiratory non-climactic character after harvest in grape and fresh Jujube Effect of irrigation on photosynthesis decline of wheat leaf during senescence A mathematical model on procedure of some physiology and biochemical during aging of Chinese Fir seed Water requirement law study of grape on sandy land Effect of different factors on transformation of Alhagi pseudalhagi by Agrobacterium rhizogenes Studies of chilling requirements during rest period in apricot cultirars STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY,STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLANDULAR HAIRS IN PERILLA FRUTESCENS (L. ) BRITTON OBSERVATION OF THREE VIRUSES DISEASE OF THE CEREAL BY ELECTRON MICROSCOPE THE DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY ON THE TRICHOMES OF THE LEAVESIN DENDRANTHEMA ZAZWADSKII(HERD.)TZVEL. INTRODUCTION AND DOMESTICATION OF IRIS 青海高原植物生理生态学研究:Ⅱ.高寒草甸植物的光合作用 SEED COAT AND HILUM DEVELOPMENT IN VIGNA SESQUIPEDALIS FRUWIRTH STUDIES ON TISSUE AND CELL CULTURE OF GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L. CROSS COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS OF GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM RACE LATIFOLIUM WITH COMMERCIAL VARIETIES CAT CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION ON CALLUS PRODUCTION AND EMBRYOGENESIS OF Gossypium hirsutum L. PERMEABILITY OF PEROXISOMAL MEMBRANE IN Spinach LEAF TO SOME METABOLITES CHANGES IN RESPIRATORY PATHWAYS OF GA_3-TREATED ABSCISSION ZONE TISSUE IN RELATION TO ABSCISSION STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGYCAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES DURING POSTHARVEST RIPENING PERIOD OF TOMATO FRUITS OBSERVATION ON THE GENERA YINSHANIA, HILLIELLA, COCHLEARIELLA AND COCHLEARIA (CRUCIFERAE) BY SEM Resistance identification of the rice varieties in southeastern China to rice stripe disease Prokaryotic expression of Apple stem pitting viruscoat protein and antiserum preparation Contact response of Trichogramma confusum to 13 saturated hydrocarbons from host egg shells and abdominal scales of Plutella xylostella Detection and identification of four isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China and phylogeny of their coat protein gene Investigation on virulence of Blumeria graminis f.sp.hordei population and resistance to powdery mildew of barley varieties Pathogenicity differentiation of Magnaporthe grisea Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies Characteristics of asexual spore germination and growth of Ustilaginoidea virens in different media Callose deposition in resistant and susceptible rice varieties under Rice stripe virus stress A rearing method for mirids using the green bean, Phaseolus vulgaris in the laboratory The synergistic activity of SpltNPV or SeNPV chitinase expressed in Escherichia coli with the baculovirus in infecting host insects Expression of movement protein gene and antiserum preparation of Potato virus X Prekaryotic expression antiserum preparation and some properties of p8 protein of Rice black-streaked dwarf Fijivirus Establishment of ISSR-PCR reaction system for Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici and its application in diversity analysis of this pathogen Epidemics of the Rice stripe virus in northern Zhejiang, China Composition of lineage and virulence type of the Magnaporthe grisea population derived from the nurseries and fields in Fujian Province of China Identification of resistance to Rice stripe virus in japonica rice varieties and analysis for its inheritance of Zhendao 88 Acquisition and transmission of Tobacco curly shoot virus by the B biotype of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Influences of the biocontrol strain ANTI-8098A, Bacillus cereus on the growth competition between the virulent and avirulent strains of Ralstonia solanacearum RT-PCR detection of Satsuma dwarf virus The effects of infection of Botryosphaeria berengriana f.sp. piricola on cell membrane permeability and defendant enzymes in different resistance cultivars of apple The molecular identification and the distribution of potato virus S in Fujian Province Evaluation of twenty-two blast resistance genes in Yunnan using monogenetic rice lines Advance in researches on rice black-streaked dwarf disease and maize rough dwarf disease in China Development of the study on genome and three-dimensional structure of rice dwarf phytoreovirus Identification and characterization of Oilseed rape mosaic virus Cloning and prokaryotic expression of coat protein gene of Tobacco etch virus and preparation of viral-specific antiserum Systemic acquired resistance of rice against sheath blight disease induced by benzothiadiazole The predatory function of Pirata subparaticus(Boes.et Str.) on three important rice insect pests in a multispecies coexistent system Resistance of IRBB21(Xa21) to five races of bacterial blight in Guangdong Biology of maize rough dwarf virus and the strategies for improvement of maize resistant varieties