Environmental characteristics of tropical cloud forests in the rainy season in Bawangling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, South China Effects of greenbelt width on air temperature and humidity in urban river corridors Effects of urban river width on the temperature and humidity of nearby green belts in summer.  Analysis of the Main Factors and Threshold Temperature on Vitis Berry Sunburn The ecological effects between pure woodland and mixed of urban green space Relationship between rosin output of Pinus densata and air temperature and humidity at Zhamu region of Tibet Effects of Air Humidity on the Photosynthesis and Fruit-set of Tomato Under High Temperature The Relationships Between Bisexual Flowers of ‘Tainong 1’ Mango and Temperature and Humidity Study on forming technique of Maxing Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Grannule An early warning method of cucumber downy mildew in solar greenhouse based on canopy temperature and humidity modeling. Influence of relative humidity on the Adoxophyes orana experimental population. Climatope change and its relations with city development of Haikou City in 1961-2007. On the Suitable Regions for Olive (Olea europaea) Growing in China Response of Chestnut Flowering in Beijing to Photosynthetically Active Radiation Variation and Change in Recent Fifty Years Meteorological Reasons for Forest Damage by Ice and Snow in Hunan Province Preliminary Measurment on some Ecological Factors of the Epiphyllous Liverworts in Mt. Wuo yi Effects of the different width of urban green belts on the temperature and humidity Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit The Relationships Between Bisexual Flowers of ‘Tainong 1’ Mango and Temperature and Humidity Effects of riparian buffers of North Mort of Beijing on air temperature and relative humidity Influence of different planting modes of watermelon on the yield and meteorological factors in plastic shed Relationship between climatic factors and radial growth of Pinus massoniana in Dinghushan Mountain Factors Impacting the Emergence Rhythm and Rate of Micromelalopha sieversi (Lepidoptera:Notodontidae) Development of Control System for Formaldehyde Testing Chamber Characteristics of VOC Emission from Plywood in Different Environment Factors Effect on Stresses of 18°C and Different Relative Humidities on Bt Protein Expression at Squaring Stage in Bt Cotton Relationship between adult emergence of Massicus raddei (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and temperature and relative humidity EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION OF LIPOSCELIS ENTOMOPHILA (ENDERLEIN) Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit Effect of environmental factors on growth of Huperzia serrata Optimization of moisture obsorption dynamic model fitting for Chinese materia medica extract powder under different humidity conditions The predatory functional response of Cybocephalus nipponicus Endrdy- Younga to Unaspis yanonensis under different conditions THE RESPONSE OF MIDDAY DEPRESSION OF DIURNAL VARIATION OF NET PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE OF WHEAT LEAVES ON ECOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE FIELD ENVIRONMENT OF QINGHAI PLATEAU Effect of ecological environment on upper stalk leaves quality and neutral aroma components of burley tobacco Study on soluble soybean polysaccharides as excipient for Epimedium Granules Impact of canopy structural characteristics on inner air temperature and relative humidity of Koelreuteria paniculata community in summer. Temperature and relative humidity during air-curing and their effects on burley tobacco quality in different curing barns STUDY ON GAS EXCHANGE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS TRIN. IN DIFFERENT ECOTYPES OF DRY DESERT OF THE HEXI CORRIDOR ON THE EXPERIMENTAL POPULATION LIFE TABLES OF CITRUS BLACK SCALE UNDER DIFFERENT HUMIDITY CONDITIONS Cooling and Humidifying Effects of Five Landscape Plant Communities on Summer Days in Beijing Effects of urban lake wetland on temperature and humidity: a case study of Wuhan City Effects of temperature and relative humidity on survival of the overwintering green lacewing,Chrysoperla sinica(Tjeder) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) Response of soil respiration to grazing intensity, water contents, and temperature of soil in different grasslands of Inner Mongolia Analysis of the Main Factors and Threshold Temperature on Vitis Berry Sunburn HUMIDITY CONDITIONING FUNCTION OF WOOD AND WOODBASED INTERIOR WALL MATERIALS I THE EFFECT OF RELATIVE HUMIDITY ON FLIGHT ACTIVITY OF ADULT ORIENTAL ARMYWORM Analysis on characteristics of a typical drought event in Jiangsu Province Effects of Air Humidity on the Photosynthesis and Fruit-set of Tomato Under High Temperature Response of upland jujube tree trunk diameter to different ecological factors Relationship between humidity,temperature and bisexual flower ratio of Kate mango Transpiration characters of Caragana korshinskii and its influence factors Effects of different relative humidities on physiological activities of wild grape