Establishment and realization of a web-based open system for management of crop pests and diseases Influence of Culture Conditions on Arnebia euchroma Hairy Roots Growth and Shikonin Content Relationship between nitrogen after-effects and the yield and agronomic traits of monocropped and intercropped soybean Effects of fertilizer and soil additives on plant nutrient utilization in a degraded soil Effects of potato-fababean intercropping on crop productivity and soil water under a plastic mulch and ridge-furrow planting system in a semiarid area AnevaluationoftheHargreavesmethodforestimatingreferenceevapotranspirationindifferentgrasslandtypesinInnerMongolia,China The effects of corn and green manure intercropping on soil nutrient availability and plant nutrient uptake Nitrogen fertilizer effects on a 15 year old mixed species alpine pasture after two years Influence of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli) on the growth of double-cropping paddy rice and its economic threshold Effect of lucerne-crop rotations on soil physical properties in the semiarid Loess Plateau of Central Gansu Effect of Citrus tree/Stropharia mushrooms intercropping on “purple soil” labile organic carbon in the Three Gorges Reservoir region Soil fumigation and bio-organic fertilizer application promotes potato growth and affects soil bio-chemical properties in a continuous cropping system Computational Identification and Analysis of the Putative microRNAs in 32 Fruit Crops Studies on Uptake and Utilization of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium and Yield Advantage in Capsicum/Maize Relay Intercropping System Variation of Soil Microbial Populations and Relationships Between Microbial Factors and Soil Nutrients in Cover Cropping System of Vineyard Variation of Soil Microbial Populations and Relationships Between Microbial Factors and Soil Nutrients in Cover Cropping System of Vineyard Effects of Chitin on Growth,Photosynthesis and Antioxidative System of Malus hupehensis Seedlings Under Replant Condition Preliminary Study on Transformation of Wheat Apical Point Isolation and Purification of Megasporocarp and Microsporangium in Azolla Effects of Thidiazuron on Micropropagation ot Ficus benjamina and F.Lyrata New Series of the Genus Pedicularis CYTO MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OF MAIZE MICROSPORIC EMBRYOGENESIS THE INFLUENCE `OF CAFFEINE AND EDTA POST TREATMENT ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF SOYBEAN AND RAPE SEEDLING STUOIES ON ~(125)I CONTAMINATION TO VARIOUS CROPS MASS ATTENUATION COEFFICIENTS, MASS ENERGY-ABSORPTION COEFFICIENTS AND ABSORBED DOSE CHANGE COEFFICIENTS OF CROP SEEDS Vertical distribution and its change of root quantity and activity of inter-cropped summer maize Study on adaptation mechanisms of different crops to low phosphorus stress Uptake and utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as related to yield advantage in wheat/soybean intercropping THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS METHODS IN INTERCROPPING RESEARCHES EFFECT OF MAIZE/PEANUT INTERCROPPING ON ROOT Fe(Ⅲ) REDUCING CAPACITY AND IRON NUTRITION OF PEANUT STUDY ON TOLERANCE OF VARIOUS CROPS TO CHROMIUM TOXICITY EFFECT OF MAIZE/PEANUT INTERCROPPING ON IRON NUTRITION OF PEANUT Long term impact of different soil management on nitrogen supplying potential in rice based cropping system Heterogeneity of soil nutrients of cropland returning to forest on the loess hilly region Soil water and nutrients of vegetation communities under different restoration types on the hilly-gullied Loess Plateau Potassium balance and management on sloping land in southwest China A STUDY ON BIOTICAL PRODUCTIVITY OF ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA PLANTATION AT LOESS PLATEAU AREA OF NORTH WEIHE RIVER STUDY ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Begonia macuiata Radd. A NEW SPECIES OF THE ANT GENUS ACROPYGA ROGER (HYMENOPTERA:FORMICIDAE) OF CHINA STUDIES ON THE ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC BENEFIT OF TEA PLANTATION INTERCROPPED BY PAULOWNIA