Effects of sterilization on growth of cucumber plants and soil microflora in a continuous mono-cropping soil Mowing effects no the insect community structure and dynamics on jujube trees at jujube forests intercropped with pasture Research progress on influencing of environmental factors on the growth of submersed macrophytes STUDY ON THE GROWTH DYNAMICS OF ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS AND REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS OF POPULATION OF SECALE CARELE L.BY MOVWING Weed control effect and safety to crops of a mixed formulation (halauxifen-methyl 10%+florasulam 10%) Changes of Fusarium in rhizosphere soil under potato continuous cropping systems in arid-irrigated area of Gansu Province A simulation study on the sustainable use of soil water in dry land for alfalfa-crop rotation systems in the semiarid region of southern Ningxia History, theory and practice of pasture-crop rotation in China: A review Effects of different nitrogen levels on photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation and yield of relay strip intercropping Glycine max after blooming Production performance of alfalfa+maize intercropping systems and evaluation of interspecies competition Responses of aboveground net primary production and population structure of Caragana microphylla to prescribed burning in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia Rainfall interception and stemflow for Caragana microphlla in Horqin Sandy Land, northern China Grassland culture is an integral part in Chinese culture A study on the pattern and effect of Zea mays intercropping with Medicago sativa Effects of land use regimes on soil physical and chemical properties in the Longzhong part of Loess plateau The development of Panicum virgatum as an energy crop The effects of long-term fertilization on crop yields and farmland nutrient equilibrium Integrated crop-livestock production system Comparison of photosynthetic characteristic and the essential oils in crop rotation
and continuous cropping of Angelica sinensis
Effects of cover cropping system on soil moisture content and water storage in a vineyard Isolation and identification of four new Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora strains Production and N nutrient performance of wheat-maize-soybean relay strip intercropping system and evaluation of interspecies competition Prospect of ecological restoration through tapping energy crops in Northern interlaced zone of arable lands and grasslands Influence of Rotation on Continuous Cropping Soil Environment and Cucumber Yield Effect of Different Vegetation Types on Soil Erosion by Water Interspecific Transition Among Caragana microphylla, C. davazamcii and C. korshinskii Along Geographic Gradient. Ⅰ. Ecological and RAPD Evidence Ecological Evaluation of Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Philippines Application of NIR Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis in Crop Quality Breeding Regulation of Carotenoids Biosynthesis in Horticultural Crops Output response to fertilization development in rice cropping A study on microclimate under poplar-crop intercropping systems Effect of bacterial sludge on crops growth A study on the patterns of ecological stereo planting of crops,fruits,vegetables and fungus Efects of Conservation tillage and crop residues on soil nutrient contents Effects of inter-cropping cotton with wheat on environmental factors and cotton growth and developmeat Analysts of the ecological and economic benefits of different tillage systems in arid and semi-arid regions Classification of meteorological calamity degree for three crops and division of calamity loss rate in Hebei Province An analysis of the benefits of forestherbage intercropping systems in semi-arid Taihang Mountain Areas The micro-climatic characteristics of inter-planting crop with fruit tree in cold zone The effect of cropping system on the microelements in lime concretion fluvo-aquic soils Crop Cultivation and the Changing of Soil Salt Contents Growth, distribution and exudation of fine roots of Chinese fir trees grown in continuously cropped plantations Application of the combination of genetic algorithm and artificial neural network on crop yield estimation in Jilin Province Effect of sterilization with CH_3Br on root growth of soybean seedlings Interrelation of light and nitrogen in soil plant system The distributive behavior of rare earth elements in wheat Facilitation of wheat to phosphorus uptake by soybean in the wheat soybean intercropping Study on energy of Pinus taiwanensis community in Wuyi Mountains Distribution pattern and growing dynamics of the roots system in apple wheat intercropping system DIVERSITY OF MACROPHYTES RELATIVE TO HETERO GENEITIES OF HABITATS IN MOUNTAIN WATERS ECOTONE SELECTION OF THE OPTIMUM TEMPORAL FOR CROP ESTIMATION USING REMOTE SENSING DATA—— MAIN FOOD CROPS IN CHINA STUDY ON MECHANISMS OF IMPROVEMENT OF IRON NUTRITION OF PEANUT BY INTERCROPPING WITH MAIZE OR WHEAT THE WATER QUALITY MODEL OF AN ARTIFICIAL PURIFICATION ECOSYSTEM NEAR A WATER PLANT EFFECT OF RADIATION TRANSMISSION ON CROP YIELD AND QUALITY CROP PRODUCTION IS A POPULATION PROCESS ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE PLANT COMMUNITYSUCCESSION ON THE ABANDONED CROPLAND INTAIBAISHAN,QINLING MOUNTAINSⅡ.THE COMMUNITY α DIVERSITY FEATURE OF THE SUCCESSIONAL SERIES A STUDY ON N OUTPUT IN CROP-SOIL SYSTEM IN HAIHE BASIN Huang Yinxiao Lin Shunhua STUDY ON THE WATER CONSUMPTION LAW OF COMPLEX CROP SYSTEMS IN THE TABLELANDS OF THE EASTERN GANSU LOESS PLATEAU THE PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND PRODUCTIVITY OF BENTHIC MACROPHYTES IN SANGGOU BAY Dynamic Variation Characteristic of Endogenous Hormone Content in Cornus macrophylla Seeds during Cold Stratification Natural Vegetation Succession Characteristics and Species Diversity in Abandoned Lands in the Minqin Oasis,Downstream of the Shiyang River Effect of Straws,Manure and Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Properties and Crop Yields Research Progress on Inheritance of Fruit Shape in Horticultural Crops RELATION BETWEEN ENERGY BALANCE, WATER USE STATUS AND WHEAT YIELD STUDY ON ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CAMELLIA SINENSIS GROWN IN INTERCROPPING TEA PLANTATIONS A STUDY ON FORCASTING CONE CROP OF YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGE FOREST BY INFORMATION SECTION OF FLOWERING AND FRUITING FOR CHINESES FIR STUDY ON POPLAR GROWTH UNDER AGRO-SILVICULTURAL INTERCROPPING CONDITIONS Effect of Nitrogen Addition on Nitrogen Nutrition and Strip Rust Occurrence of Wheat in Wheat/Fababean Intercropping System Effect of Maize-Peanut Intercropping on Peanut Growth, Yield and Quality EFFECT OF NITROGEN RATES ON NO3--N ACCUMULATION AND NITROGEN USE EFFICIENCY UNDER MAIZE AND WHEAT INTERCROPPED SYSTEM EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CROPPING PATTERNS ON FIELD MICROCLIMATE AND YIELDS OF MAIZE CHLOROPLAST GENETIC TRANSFORMATION AND THE LATEST PROGRESS OF ITS APPLICATION IN CROP IMPROVEMENT IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANICALLY AND CONVENTIONALLY PRODUCED CROPS BY NATURAL 15N ABUNDANCE METHOD EFFECTS OF LONG-TERM LOCATED FERTILIZATION ON SOIL ENZYMATIC ACTIVITIES FOR WHEAT-MAIZE INTERCROPPING IN IRRIGATED DESERT SOILS Control efficacy of maize-sugarcane intercropping against the occurrence and the damage of Ostrinia furnacalis Evaluation on biological activity of a novel compound, ZJ-2725 Current knowledge and future challenges of non-genetically modified herbicide-resistant crops Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton planting history and cropping patterns on development and oviposition of Propylaea japonica Thunberg Recent advances in controlling plant diseases and insect pests by mixture planting and inter-planting of crops Influence of continuous cropping and rotation on soybean cyst nematode and soil nematode community structure