Study on quality control of Paeonia lactiflora Effect of temperature on concentration of active components extracted from medicinal herb Textual research on origin and development of genuine medicinal herbs of Shanyao Systematic Study on the Authentic and Superior Medicinal Herba and GAP of Herba Asari Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb Extracts on Orobanche minor Seed Germination Determination of Honey Content in four Honey-Prepared Decoction Slices Identification of new chemical constituents of Tibetan medicinal herb Halenia elliptica AM and its application in plant disease prevention of Chinese medicinal herbs cultivation Analysis on influential factors of Chinese medicinal herb growers’ willingness to use green pesticides:evidence on Panax notoginseng production areas in Wenshan, Yunnan province Recent Progress in the Study of Anti-PAF Constituents of Medicinal Herbs A Review on the Synthesis of Alkaloidal Constituents of Chinese Medicinal Herbs in Recent Years in China Current status, problems and countermeasures for properties theory of Chinese medicinal herbs Preliminary attempt at the speciation of 25-elements in the chinese medicinal herbs Natural resources characteristics and research and development strategies of “Qi medicinal herbs” Studies On Introduction and Cultivation of Cinnamomim cassia Presl The Theory of Differentiation Tendency of Chinese Medicinal Herbsin Regional Habitually Used Drugs Interspecific Association of Medicinal Herbs in Ziwuling Region Clinical study on aconite prescriptions with incompatible herbs in different areas based on association rules and analysis on compatibility features The Establishment of Computer-based Auto-Controlling and Image-Analysing Processing System of Circle Water-Maze for Studying Nootropic Drugs from Traditonal Chinese Medicinal Herbs Application and Mechanism of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei in Treating Diseases of Digestive System Kinetic Model on Medicinal Herb Extraction Process The Position of Processing in Traditional Chinese Medicine Toxicity Experiment on Sargassum, Radix Knoxiae,Radix Ransul and Flos Genkwa Against Radix Glycyrrhizae in the Antagonisms among 18 Chinese Drugs Puzzle and Reflection on the Study of the Processing of Chinese Herbal Medicine New Theoretical Study ou the Biological Origins ofChinese Medicinal Herbs Progress in research of aldose reductase inhibitors in traditional medicinal herbs Volatile comparison of Chinese Medicinal Herb Thymus mongolicus HPLC fingerprints of Tibetan medicinal herb “Songdi” Chemical Components of Volatile Oil in the Leaves of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Pistacia chinensis Bunge A Preliminary Study on Relationship Between Atractylodes lancea and A. chinensis as Analyzed by RAPD Application of polymer adsorbent in extract ion of medical herbs Development of α-glucosidase inhibitor from medicinal herbs Study on quantitative methods of Cleistocalycis Operculati Cortex Chemical Constituents of Volatile Essential Oil in Hypericum perforatum Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Traditional Tibetan Medicinal Herb Shengdeng (Rhamnella gilgitica )(I) INVESTIGATION AND STUDY ON THE RESOURCES OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN HUBEI PROVINCE

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