The mechanism behind genotypic differences for nitrogen use efficiency in crops Effect of controlled-release urea combined application with urea on nitrogen utilization efficiency of winter wheat Dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation of rice genotypes with different nitrogen use efficiencies Countermeasures of low-carbon economy for sustainable development of China’s tea industry Difference in nitrogen accumulation and translocation between semi-winterness and springness wheat. Nitrogen release characteristics of different hermetic material sulfur coated urea and their effects on summer maize Effects of nitrogen management modes on yield formation and nitrogen utilization efficiency of summer maize 不同小麦品种(系)吸收利用氮素效率的差异及有关机理研究 Ⅲ.影响利用效率的因素分析 The Effects of Split-nitrogen Application in Spring on Seed Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Russian Wildrye Application of Different Amount of Controlled-release Coated Urea Combined with Conventional Urea on Spring Maize Genotype difference in nitrogen utilization efficiency of wheat. Nitrogen Utilization Efficitncy and Fate of Fertilizer under Different Transplanting Density Effects of nitrogen rate and planting density on grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of high yield summer maize Characteristics of organic acid and amino acid in root exudates of rice genotype with high nitrogen efficiency Effect of base nitrogen application depth on summer maize yield, nitrogen utilization efficiency and nitrogen residue Effect of slow-release fertilizer and tillage practice on grain yield and nitrogen efficiency of summer maize (Z. mays L.) Effects of nitrogen sources on nitrogen utilization and growth of flue-cured tobacco in the floating-seeding system
Characteristics of nitrogen distribution in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) with different nitrogen utilization efficiency for grain production
Advances in plant nitrogen nutrient genotypic difference Application of different release duration controlled-release coated urea combined with conventional urea on summer maize Nitrogen release characteristics of coated urea and its effect on spring maize with touching application Effects of fertilization with a fertilizer applicator on nitrogen absorption and distribution, and fruit yield and quality of peach Individual grain yield potential and nitrogen utilization efficiency of Zea mays cultivars widely planted in North China Nitrogen uptake and its utilization by rice in paddy field of Taihu area Effects of delayed release coated urea on rice growth and nitrogen absorption Characteristics of dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation in barley genotypes with high nitrogen utilization efficiency. Effects of Different Mixing Rates of Controlled-release Urea and Common Urea on Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency of Summer Maize Population quality and grain yield construction of mid-season indica hybrid rice “Wandao153” under different N applications Response of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Distribution of Torreya grandis ‘Merrilli’ Seedlings in Different Light Regimes Applications of polymer coated urea with different release time and conventional urea on summer maize growth Nitrogen Accumulation and Distribution in Rapeseed (Brassica napus. L) with Different Nitrogen Utilization Efficiencies for Grain Production Effect of Nitrogen Applied before Transplanting on Tillering and Nitrogen Utilization in Rice