Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio and Activities of PEP Carboxylase and PEP Carboxykinase in Pineapple Leaves MONITORING LEAF CARBON AND NITROGEN STATUS IN WHEAT WITH LEAF COLOR CHARACTERISTICS Correlation analysis of photosynthetic rate and biomass of different leaf positions with seed yield of Elymus sibiricus Studies on Photosythetic and Respiratory Characters of Different Leaf Positions in Grape Plantlet in Vitro Response of Pigmen t Content of Golden-leaf Plants to Light Intensity Difference of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Leaves at Different Positions and Its Relationship with Nitrogen Content in Winter Wheat Plant Hyperspectral estimation model for chlorophyll concentrations in top leaves of rice Construction of the High-efficiency Regeneration System of Blueberry with Its Leaves Response of Pigmen t Content of Golden-leaf Plants to Light Intensity ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES in vitro AND MAIN EFFICACY COMPONENTS IN SUMMER MULBERRY LEAVES CORRELATION BETWEEN VARIATIONS OF SPAD VALUE OF LEAF AT DIFFERENT POSITION AND BIOMASS OF MAIZE Research on dynamic characteristics of photosynthesis in muskmelon seedling leaves Relationship between Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Spectral Reflectance Characteristics in Wheat Leaves SPAD Value of Cotton Leaves on Main Stem and Nitrogen Diagnosis for Cotton Growth Variation of Water and Nitrogen Contents & Photosynthesis at Different Position Leaves of Rice Under Different Soil Water and Nitrogen Conditions Contributions of the Leaves of Winter Wheat Varieties at Different Positions to the Yield Formations of their Individual Plants Tissue Structure and Near-infrared Reflectivity and Their Affecting Factors of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Comparative and the correlative studies on the structure and the content of anthraquinones in 3 Aloe leaves Effect of Potato/Maize Intercropping on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield in Two Potato Varieties Tillering Characteristics of Indica Hybrid Rice under Mechanized Planting PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS DIFFERENCE OF
 TWO DWARF TYPE ZUCCHINIS  (Cucurbita pepo L.)
TRANSLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF  ̄14C-PHOTOSYNTHATE IN ASPARAGUS BEAN [Vigna unguiculata W. ssp.sesquipedals(L.) Verd] Relationship between Leaf Nitrogen Contents and Fluorescence Parameters in Wheat Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Leaves in Pop Corn,Sweet Corn and Glutinous Corn during the Late Growing Period Distribution of Leaf Nitrogen, Amino Acids and Chlorophyll in Leaves of Different Positions and Relationship with Nitrogen Nutrition Diagnosis in Rice

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