Electroantennogram Responses of Dendrolimus superans to Six Volatiles of Larix gmelinii EFFECT OF SALT STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND GROWTH OF FOUR TREE SPECIES SEEDLINGS THE POPLAR INTERCROPPING WITH CROPS IMPROVING ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE FARMLAND COMPATIBLE DYNAMIC MODEL STUDIES ON COEFFICIENT OF VARIATION OF DIAMETER FOR THINNED AND UNTHINNED EVEN-AGED STANDS Phytochelatin and its function in heavy metal tolerance of higer plants Physiological and molecular biological mechanisms of heavy metal absorption and accumulation in hyperaccumualtors Crown characteristics and spatial distribution of leaves of new poplar clones Improving the Percentage of Exerted Stigma in CMS Lines of Japonica Hybrid Rice by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection Research Progress of Efficient Expression and Optimization of Production of Antibacterial Peptide Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of the CDS of Yak AQP4 Gene Plasmodesmal Dynamics in Both Woody Poplar and Herbaceous Winter Wheat Under Controlled Short Day and in Field Winter Period Expression of Strictosidine Synthase in Selected Subcellular Compartments of Tobacco Plant Identification of the Rice Vacuolar ATPase B Subunit Gene and Its Expression Pattern Analysis Under Phosphorus Deficiency Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Affecting Yield and Fiber Properties in Chromosome 16 in Cotton Using Substitution Line Genome Analysis in Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance Genetic Relationships Among Soluble Carbohydrates, Anthocyanins and Growth Characteristics in Leymus (Gramineae) Detected with Molecular Markers  Expression and Phylogenetic Analysis of Pea Actin Isoforms Effect of Extracellular Calmodulin on the Cytosolic Ca2+ Concentration in Lily Pollen Grains The Structure and Antifungal Functions of Vegetative Propagation Corm of Gastrodia elata Ultrastructural Observation on the Intra- and Intercellular Microtrabecular Network of the Pollen Mother Cells in Onion (Allium cepa) Identification of the Molecular Markers Linked to the Salt-resistance Locus in the Wheat Using RAPD-BSA Technique Anatomy, Histochemistry and Phytochemistry of Leaves inAloe vera var. chinensis Genetic Diversity of Gli-1,Gli-2 and Glu-1 Alleles Among Chinese Endemic Wheats Cytodifferentiation of the Seeds (Protocorms) and Vegetative Propagation Corms Colonized by Mycorrhizal Fungi Studies of Transgenic Hybrid Poplar 741 Carrying Two Insect-resistant Genes Advances in Study of Polar Auxin Transport Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Accumulation of Tanshinones in Crown Gall Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza Classification and Nomenclature of Plant Metallothionein-like Proteins Based on Their Cysteine Arrangement Patterns (in English) Advances in Molecular Biology of Plant Isoprenoid Metabolic Pathway Effects of Light Stress on Oxygen Evolution and Photochemical Energy Storage of Hybrid Poplar Clones Determined by Photoacoustic Technique Creation and Cytological, Biochemical, Molecular Identification of Alien Disomic Substitution Lines with BYDV-resistance from Triticum aestivum-Agropyron intermedium Hybrids Molecular Engineering on Quality Improvement of Cotton Fiber Changes in Levels of Endogenous Plant Hormones During Floret Development in Wheat Genotypes of Different Spike Sizes Quantitative Determination of Glycinebetaine in Plant Tissues by Reverse Phase Ion-pair HPLC Segmental Duplications Are Common in Rice Genome EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ON THE GROWTH AND ABSORPTION OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS IN CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA SEEDLINGS INTRASPECIFIC AND INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION IN LARIX CHINENSIS SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF FINE ROOT BIOMASS, ROOT LENGTH DENSITY, SPECIFIC ROOT LENGTH AND SOIL RESOURCE AVAILABILITY IN A LARIX GMELINI PLANTATION TREE-RING CHARACTERISTICS OF LARIX GMELINII AND PINUS SYLVESTRIS VAR. MONGOLICA AND QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERS OF SEEDS AND CONES IN LARIX CHINENSIS SELECTION OF UDMH TOLERANT VARIANT LINES OF AN AQUATIC REED EFFECTS OF GRAZING ON THE SOIL SEED BANK OF A STIPA KRYLOVII STEPPE COMMUNITY CO2 DIFFUSIONAL AND STOMATAL LIMITATIONS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS IN AMOMUM VILLOSUM INFLUENCE OF METHANOL ELUATES FRACTIONATED FROM MACADAMIA INTEGRIFOLIAROOTS ON SPORE GERMINATION AND HYPHAL GROWTH OF AM FUNGI ECO-PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEED GERMINATION OF LARIX CHINENSIS, A TIMBERLINE TREE The Responses of Momordica Charantia at Different Modular Levels to the Changes of Support Diameter Diversity and Ecology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Dujiangyan Factors Influencing Seed Production in Ligularia virgaureaⅠ. Habitat and Architecture of Inflorescence Analysis of Grey Relatedness Between the Modular Structure of Reaumuria soongorica Population in the Desert of Fukang, Xinjiang and the Environmental Factors Size-dependent Reproductive Allocation of Ligularia virgaurea in Different Habitats Spatial Distribution and Colonization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Rhizosphere of Desert Shrubs (in English) Carbon Balance of Larix gmelini Forest and Impacts of Management Practices(in English) Biomass Allocation and Resource Use of Tilia Amurensis Rupr. Juvenile Under Different Planting Estimating Biomass and NPP of Larix Forests Using Forest Inventory Data (FID) Effects of Seabuckthorn on Tree Growth and Biomass Production Poplar Plantations in a in a Subhumid-arid Area of China Effects of Competition on Growth Rate and Probability of Death of Plant Individuals: a Study Based on Nursery Experiments of Larix leptolepis Populations Ecophysiological Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Hybrid Poplar Clones Under Light Stress Analysis of the Solar UV-B Radiation and pant UV-B-absorbing Compounds in Different regions Solar Energy Utilization Efficiency of the Man-Made Forests in Heshan, Guangdong, China Physiologic Indexes of Cold Resistance in Hybrid White Poplar Clons Research on the Restoring Succession of the Degenerated Grassland in Inner Mongolia II. Analysis of the Restoring Processes A Study on the Biomass and Productivity of the Natural Larix gmelinii Forests A Preliminary Study on Growth Regularity of Introduced Taiwania flousiana Young Seedling A Study on Biomass and Productivity of Larix mastersiana Plantation in Sichuan Studies on the Biomass Structure of Neosinocalamus offinif Population in Jinyun Mountain Studies on Biological Productivity of Artificial Forests of Dahurian Larches Studies on Primary Productivity in Tianzhu Alpine Polygonum viviparum Meadow I. Biomass Dynamics and Conversion efficiency for Solar Radiation The Contingency Table Applied to Exploring Larix potaninii Distribution The Soil Habitat Types of Poacynum hendersonii communities in the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang Actin Is Localized in the Nucleolar Skeleton of Physarum polycephalum Study of Gliadin and High Molecular Weight Glutenin in Octoploid Wheat-Wheatgrass and Its Wheat Parents Primary Study of Rice AFLP Analysis-Optimization of Reaction Conditions and Analysis of Thermo sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice Allelic Mutant Lines Recent Research Advances in Plant Small Nucleolar RNA Ultracytochemical Localization of Acid Phosphatase in Nucellar Cells of Wheat During Degeneration RAPD Linkage Mapping in a Populus adenopoda×P. alba F1 Family Change of Endogenous IAA During Cambial Activity and IAA-binding Protein in Cambial Cells in Broussonetia papyrifera Isolation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Plant Nuclei Change in the Concentration and Tissuelocalization of Endogenous IAA During the Regeneration of Vascular Tissues After Xylem Removal in Broussonetia papyrifera Somatic Embryogenic Potential Determined by the Morphological Polarity of the Explant in Tissue Cultures of Freesia refracta Extracellular Calmodulin Stimulates the Transplasma Membrane Redox Reaction of Root Protoplasts in Zea mays