Purification and Characterization of an Extracellular Protease with Unusual Peptide Bond Specificity from Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum A Cytological Study on the NutrientUptake Mechanism of a Saprophytic Orchid Gastrodia elata Construction of Molecular Linkage Map in Masson Pine Using RAPD Markers and Megaga metophytes from a Single Tree Autoinhibition in Polar Transport of Indoleacetic Acid Cytohistological Study on Morphogenesis of the Adventitious Bud in the in Vitro Culture of Micro-Cross Sectioned Leaf Midveins from Hybrid Populus Effects of Photoperiod on Supramolecular Architecture of Thylakoid Membranes from a Rice Mutant (Oryza sativa Nongken 58S) Fluorescence Microscopic Observations on the Distribution Patterns of Actin Filaments in the Cells of Developing Endosperm in Triticum aestivum Formation of Interfamilial Cell Symplast During Cell Co-Culture in Vitro Preliminary Study on Cis-Trans Interaction in Transcriptional Regulation of a Wheat High-Molecular-Weight (HMW) Glutenin Gene Localization of Heat Shock Protein of Low Molecular Weight by Electromicroscopic Immunogold-Labelling Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Gene Encoding Rice 10 kD Prolamin Construction of Rice RAPD Molecular Linkage Map Embryological Studies on Convallaria majalis L. The Cytological Mechanism of Biparental Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Pelargonium hortorum -Ultrastructural and DNA Fluorescence Studies of Male and Female A Repetitive DNA Sequence Showing the Characteristic of Genomic DNA Differentiation in Oryza A Study on Esterase Isozymes of Some Species of Fritillaria Cytological Studies on the Process of Armillaria Mellea Infection Through the Sclerotia of Grifola Umbellata The Application of α-Picolinic Acid on the Screening of Rice Blast-Resistant Variants Studies on Chemical Constituents of Fritillaria yuminensis Effect of Red light on Root Generation and Level of Endogenous ABA in Coleus Cutting Classification of Artificial Forest Site of Larix olgensis in Liaoning Province A Study on the Development and Uhrastructure of Axillary Squamules of Sagittaria sagittfolia A Study of Pollen Morphology of Some Aquatic Vascular Plants in Honghu Lake, Hubei Nutrient Source of Sclerotia of Grifola umbellata and Its Relationship to Armillaria mellea Scanning Electron Microscopic Observations of Cytoskeletal Arrangement in Wheat Young Leaf Cells and Its Intercellular Connection Vascular Bundle Distribution Within Broad Bean Seed Coat and the Structure of Unloading Region Observation on the Characteristic Features of Cell Wall Formation in Free-Nuclear Endosperm During the Early Stages of Cellularization in Triticum aestivum Studies on Chemicai Constituents of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. Chromosomal Variation in Callus Subcultures of Fritillaria pallidiflora A New Species of Nilssoniopteris from the Early Cretaceous of Hailar Basin An EM Study on the Nucleolar Residual in Meristematic Cells of Vicia faba Studies on Chemical Constituents of the Plant Fritillaria unibracteata New Steroidal Saponin of Stem and Leaf of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim Studies on the Circular Dichroism (CD) and Electron Paramaguetic Resonance(EPR) Spe-ctroscopy of the Partially Oxidized FeMo Protein from Azotobacter vinelandii Nitrogenase Paramural Bodies in Callus Beside the Isolation Layer of the Graft Union The Relationship Between the Intercellular Chromatin Migration of Pollen Mother Cells and the Changes of Chromosome Numbers During the Genesis of Male Gametes in Allium Cepa Studies on the Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectra of Iron-Molyb-denum Protein from Azotobacter vinelandii Nitrogenase Studies on the Character istic of the Structures in the Cortical Cells of Gastrodia clara after Infection of Armillaria mellea Purification and Characterization of Low Molecular Weight RNA of Chloroplasts SUBPOPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE IN A PANMICTIC POPULATION AS REVEALED BY MOLECULAR MARKERS: A CASE STUDY OF CASTANEA SEQUINII USING SSR MARKERS ECOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SPRING AND AUTUMN PLANTS OF TWO DESERT EPHEMERALS BIOMASS CARBON ACCOUNTING FACTORS OF LARIX FORESTS IN CHINA BASED ON LITERATURE DATA SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THREE LARCH (LARIX) SPECIES IN NORTHEASTERN CHINA REVIEW OF PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY AND HIERARCHICAL SELECTION IN CLONAL PLANTS MOLECULAR ADAPTATION THROUGH DIVERSITY OF RETROTRANSPOSONS AND TRANSCRIPTIONAL FACTORS IN POPULATIONS OF WILD SOYBEAN (GLYCINE SOJA) IMPACTS OF URBAN RIVER RECONSTRUCTION ON NATIVE VASCULAR PLANTS IN A CHINESE RIVER ECOSYSTEM PRELIMINARY STUDY OF CO2 FLUX OF A LARCH FOREST BY EDDYCOVARIANCE AND ECOPHYSI OLOGICAL METHODS STRUCTURE AND SPECIES COMPOSITION OF GROUND BRYOPHYTE COMMUNITY OF HIGH-ALTITUDE YOUNG SILVICULTURAL CUTOVERS IN RANGTANG COUNTY, CHINA: EVALUATION ON EFFECTS OF CLEAR- CUTTING AND SILVICULTURAL MANAGEMENT MORPHOLOGY AND ACTIVITY OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN VITRO AND IN SYMBIONT WITH PINUS THUNBERGII EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGAL INOCULATION ON GROWTH AND NUTRIENT UPTAKE OF TWO EPHEMERAL PLANTS EFFECTS OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGAL INOCULATION ON GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF CAMPTOTHECA ACUMINATA SEEDLINGS QUANTIFYING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AND BIOPHYSICAL REGULATIONS OF A POPLAR PLANTATION ASSESSED BY EDDY COVARIANCE AND SAP-FLOW METHODS PATCH STRUCTURE AND COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS OF LARIX CHINENSIS FOREST ON MT. TAIBAI, CHINA EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CRUSTS ON THE GERMINATION OF FIVE DESERT VASCULAR PLANTS WITH DIFFERENT SEED MORPHOLOGIES QUANTIFYING THE EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ON DRY MATTER PARTITIONING OF STANDARD CUT CHRYSANTHEMUM ‘SHENMA’ IN SOLAR GREENHOUSE Effects of inflorescence position on seed production and seedling establishment in Ligularia virgaurea Genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in karst microhabitats of Guizhou Province, China Review of glomalin-related soil protein and its environmental function in the rhizosphere A review of adaptive strategies of clonal plants to interspecific competition Bryophyte species diversity in seven typical forests of the West Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang, China Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on calorific value and contents of carbon and ash in Robinia pseudoacacia A preliminary study of molecular phylogeny and biogeography distribution pattern of Zelkova inferred from trnL-trnF and nrITS sequences Application and progress of split-compartment facility in studies of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in roots of desert Salix psammophila Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and anatomical properties of stomata and xylem in poplars Interactive effects of phenolic acid and nitrogen on morphological traits of poplar (Populus × euramericana ‘Neva’) fine roots Microclimate of forests across East Asia biomes: 1. Radiation and energy balance Physiological responses of two poplar species to high boron stress Correlation analysis between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community and host plant phylogeny Impact of Phyllostachys heterocycla ‘Pubescens’ expansion on mycorrhizal associations of the adjacent forests Carbon cycle of larch plantation based on CO2FIX model Response of radial growth to climate change for Larix olgensis along an altitudinal gradient on the eastern slope of Changbai Mountain, Northeast China Vegetation change and its response to climate change in Central Asia from 1982 to 2012 The Molecular Mechanism in Regulation of Flowering in Ornamental Plants Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins and Their Application in Plant Molecular Cell Biology Seed Storage Proteins and Their Intracellular Transport and Processing On the Trends of Photosynthesis Research Using Leaf Sections to Identify Different Salt Tolerance Potential of Poplar Plants Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of Karlodinium veneficum Isolated from the East China Sea in China Effect of NaCl Stress on Growth, Cell Ultrastructure and Ion Homeostasis in Poplar Seedlings