Characteristics of soil carbon density distribution of the Kobresia humilis meadow in the Qinghai Lake basin A Preliminary Study of the Influence of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on a Kobresia humilis Meadow Responses of Plant Groups, Diversity and Meadow Quality to High-rate N Fertilization on Alpine Kobresia humilis Community Analysis of Growth Redundancy and Compensation of Kobresia humilis Meadow Discriminant Analysis of Annual net Production in Alpine Meadow to Meteorological Condition Dynamics of the above-ground standing biomass assets of typical grassland Response of biodiversity and productivity to simulated rainfall on an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON WATER CONTENT AND DEGREE OF REQUIRED WATER OF MAIN PLANTS IN KOBRESIA HUMILIS MEADOW. Influence of Simulated Warming to the Carbon, Nitrogen and Their Stability Isotope (δ13C,δ15N) Contents in Alpine Meadow Plant Leaves Litter Decomposition of Potentilla fruticosa Shrub and Kobresia humilis Meadow in Qinghai Tibet Plateau Effects of a 5-years mimic Temperature Increase to the structure and productivity of kobresia humilis meadow A Quantitative Study on the Plant Population Phenology in Kobresia humilis Meadow The Relationship Between Seasonal Changes of Kobresia Humilis Meadow Biomass and the Meteorological Factors Plant growth analysis of Kobresia humilis meadow community in Qingzang plateau regions Effects of Long-term Intensified UV-B Radiation on the Photosynthetic Rates and Antioxidative Systems of Three Plants in Alpine Meadows Estimation of root production and turnover in an alpine meadow:comparison of three measurement methods COMPARTMENT MODELLING OF ENERGY DYNAMICS IN KOBRES1A HUMIL1S MEADOW The Photosynthesis of plant Community in Kobresia humilis Meadow Compartment model of producer subsystem on growing season in Kobresia Humilis meadow A Preliminary Study on transpiration Intensity of Plants in Kobresia humilis Meadow Effect of Fencing on Community Structure and Distribution Patterns of Main Populations in Degraded Kobresia humilis Meadow

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