Impacts of freeze-thaw processes on antioxidant activities and osmolyte contents of Syntrichia caninervis under different desert microhabitats Effects of cinnamic acid and vanillin on grafted eggplant root growth and physiological characteristics. Plasma-membrane Peroxidation and Osmotic Substances Changes of Sambucus coreana Seedlings Under NaHCO3 Stress Effects of chlorophylliniron on osmotic adjustment and activities of antioxidantive enzymes in cucumber seedlings under suboptimal temperature. Effects of salt-alkali stress on osmoregulation substance and active oxygen metabolism of Qingshan poplar (Populus pseudo-cathayana × P. deltoides). Effects of phthalic acid on seed germination, membrane lipid peroxidation and osmoregulation substance of radish seedlings Physiological-biochemical Response of Potentilla fruticosa to High Temperature Stress The physiological adaptation mechanisms of four common desert species in response to desert environments Analysis on the Differences in the Strategy of Physiological Regulation among Psammophytes with Different Family and Genera in Natural Habit of Desert Adaptation of Gardenia jasminoides leaves to natural temperature reduction Influence of lead gradient stress on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) seedlings The effects of Meloidogyne incognita infection on osmolyte and hydroxyproline levels in tomato rootstock seedlings with different resistance Impact of GGR on the Antioxidant Physiological Indices of Kobresia humilis(C.A.Mey ex Trauvt..) Alpine Meadow Influences of Drought Stress on Antioxidative Activity and Osmoregulation Substance of Sonchus brachyotus DC. Effect of Drought Stresses at Different Growth Stages on Peanut Leaf Protective Enzyme Activities and Osmoregulation Substances Content