Constructive Species’ Coexistence Mechanisms of PineOak Mixed Forest in Qinling Mountains Based on the Niche Differentiation Effects of habitat heterogeneity on community functional diversity of Dinghu Mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest Beta diversity of wetland vegetation in the middle and upper reaches of the Fenhe River watershed Distribution patterns of woody plants in a secondary forest in the montane region of eastern Liaoning Province, China Theoretical and applied studies on predator-prey interaction Seed Germination and Seedling Survival of Baccaurea ramiflora and Saprosma ternata in Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforests under Habitat Heterogeneity Constructive Species’ Coexistence Mechanisms of PineOak Mixed Forest in Qinling Mountains Based on the Niche Differentiation Relative importance of water, energy, and heterogeneity in determining regional pteridophyte and seed plant richness in China PATCHY CONTRAST OF HABITAT AFFECTS INTRACLONAL DIVISION OF LABOR OF POTENTILLA ANSERINA Ecological adaptation of plants and control of rocky-desertification on karst region of Southwest China Coexistence mechanism of ant community in lac plantation under habitat heterogeneity. The saxicolous moss‘s features of absorbing water and its structural adaptability in the heterogeneous environment with rock desertification Reproductive biology of Dendrobium officinale (Orchidaceae) in
Danxia landform