ANALYSIS OF PARENTAGE FOR NATURALLY ESTAB LISHED SEEDLINGS OF CYCLOBALANOPSIS GLAUCA Studies on Na2+ Exclusion Mechanism of Three Malus Seedlings Soil seed banks in different grazing exclusion restoring succession stages in the Xiligole degraded steppe Determinatoin of macromolecule protein in Chinese materia medica injection Preparation of anticoagulant peptide from casein and study on thrombolysis and anticoagulation in vitro Determination of high molecular weight substance in ginkgo diterpene lactone extraction by HPSEC-RI The influence of drought on non-structural carbohydrates in the needles and twigs of Larix gmelinii A review of progress in roles of organic acids on heavy metal resistance and detoxification in plants Synthesis, identification of artificial antigen of catalpol and preliminary study of immunogenicity Effects of prescribed fire on carbon sequestration of long-term grazing-excluded grasslands in Inner Mongolia Competitive dynamics of two-metaspecies subject to the Allee-like effect Ecosystem Carbon Density of Grasslands under Different Grazing Exclusion Ages in Semiarid Region of the Loess Plateau Studies on Na2+ Exclusion Mechanism of Three Malus Seedlings Effects of grazing exclusion on the composition and structure of steppe communities dominated by Caragana microphylla Oxygation Enhances Growth, Gas Exchange and Salt Tolerance of Vegetable Soybean and Cotton in a Saline Vertisol Establishment of A Method for Determination of Protein Content in the Final Product Containing Recombinant Lysostaphin Vegetation variations under different exclusion measures and their correlation to soil factors The role of soil seed bank in vegetation succession under grazing exclusion in
Stipa bungeana grasslands on the Loess Plateau
MATING SYSTEM, PATERNITY ANALYSIS AND GENE FLOW IN PLANT POPULATIONS The response of net soil respiration to different disturbances in a typical grassland of northern China Response of plant biofuel hybrid Pennisetum to NaCl stress and its salinity threshold Plasmodesmata: Dynamic Channels for Symplastic Transport Determination of high molecular weight substance in Reduning Injection by size exclusion chromatography Effect of soil nematode exclusion on wheat growth and its N and P uptake PLANT SEX ALLOCATION AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SPECIES DIVERSITY IN PLANT COMMUNTTIES

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