Drought Resistance and Root Anatomy of Lespedeza davurica(Laxm.) Schindl Anatomical Structure of Lespedeza davurica Stem from Different Population Analysis of drought tolerance and herbicide resistance in transgenic potato plants over-expressing DREB1A/Bar Molecular basis for enhancement of plant drought tolerance by arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: a mini-review Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Drought-responsive Gene BpNFYA5 from Chinese Cabbage Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Drought-responsive Gene BpNFYA5 from Chinese Cabbage COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DROUGHT TOLERANCE AND TOLERANCE MECHANISMS IN WILD AND CULTIVATED DICHONDRA REPENS Construction of a bivalent plant expression vector of DREB1A and Bar genes and studies of genetic transformation of potato EFFECTS OF NaCl STRESSON GROWTH AND CONTENT OF SEVERAL SOLUTES OF WHEAT CULTIVARS WITH DIFFERENT DROUGHT-TOLERANCE Transformation of Saussurea involucrata sikPIP3 Gene into Tobacco and Evaluation of Transgenic Plant Stress-resistance Drought-tolerance of main tree species in Changbai Mountain MORPHOLOGICAL INDEXES OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE OF SOYBEAN ACCESSIONS AND ITS COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION ON FLOWERING AND PODDING STAGE

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