Net carbon exchange and its environmental affecting factors in a forest plantation in Badaling, Beijing of China. SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS ON FUTURE CARBON BALANCE OF THREE DECIDUOUS FORESTS IN BEIJING MOUNTAIN AREA, WARM TEMPERATE ZONE OF CHINA A comparison of various correction methods for calculating carbon flux above tropical seasonal rainforest Seasonal variation in water, heat and CO2 fluxes and its driving forces over a saline desert Carbon cycle of urban system: characteristics, mechanism and theoretical framework An analysis of carbon flux partition differences of a mid-subtropical planted coniferous forest in southeastern China The interaction between components of ecosystem respiration in typical forest and grassland ecosystems Assessing the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance flux observation stations of terrestrial ecosystems in China Characteristics of Carbon Flux of Populus Forest in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Hunan Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) and aggregation web in marine environments Spatial sampling layout strategy for regional soil carbon flux estimation based on multiple directional interpolation Dissolved and particulate carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems Carbon,water and heat fluxes of a reed (Phragmites australis) wetland in the Yellow River Delta, China Research on data characteristics during non-growing season of desert-wetland ecosystem in Ebinur Lake Effects of Grazing on the Net Ecosystem Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in Grassland Ecosystems (Research Review) Effect of seasonal high temperature and drought on carbon flux of bamboo forest ecosystem in subtropical region. Effects of simulated precipitation on apparent carbon flux of biologically crusted soils in the Gurbantunggut Desert in Xinjiang, Northwestern China MODELING SEASONAL VARIATION OF CO2 FLUX IN A SUBTROPICAL CONIFEROUS FOREST USING THE EALCO MODEL Modeling Study of Terrestrial Carbon Flux Response to Climate Change I.Past Century Modeling Study of Terrestrial Carbon Flux Response to Climate Change Part II: Future Changes Theoretical Proof and Empirical Confirmation of a Continuous Labeling Method Using Naturally 13C-Depleted Carbon Dioxide Carbon Balance in an Alpine Steppe in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Soil organic carbon stocks and fluxes in different age stands of secondary Betula platyphylla in Xiaoxing‘an Mountain,China Fundamental concepts and field measurement methods of carbon cycling in forest ecosystems: a review Characteristics of net ecosystem exchange and environmental factors of rice-wheat rotation system in the Yangtze River Delta of China

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