The Effects of Undergrowth on Productivity of Chinese Fir Plantation A study on the Development and Biomass of Undergrowth Vegetation in Chinese Fir Plantation with Different Thinning Intensities Photosynthetic response to different irradiances of undergrowth plants in tree-herb plantation Th e In fluences of C losing for Afforesta tion on Vegetation DiversityRestora tion under Ch inese F ir P lan ta tion Changes of species composition and diversity in different age -classes of undergrowth vegetations in Cupressus funebris plantations in Yichang suburb A STUDY ON STAND DENSITY MANAGEMENT AND LONG-TERM PRODUCTIVE OF CHINESE FIR (CUNNINGHAMIA LANCEOLATA) PLANTATION DEVELOPING UNDERGROWTH VEGETATION IS AN IMPORTANT WAY TO RECOVER SOIL FERTILITY OF CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Selection of gaining quadrat for harvesting the undergrowth vegetation and its biomass estimation modeling in forest Community analysis of undergrowth vegetation in industrial plantation of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla Response of the undergrowth development to the growth rhythm of Chinese Pine plantation A Long-term Study on Development and Succession of Undergrowth Vegetations in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Plantations with Different Density The Effects of Human Disturbance on Species Diversity of Phyllostachys praecox Grove Relationships among Undergrowths, Contents of Chemical Substances in Leaves and Arthropod Community in Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubescens Forest Relation between Management Disturbance and Undergrowth and Canopy Mites in Phyllostachys pubescens Forests The Change of Undergrowth,Soil Microorganism, Enzyme Activity and Nutrient in Different Developing Stage of the Chinese Fir Plantation Effect of Undergrowth in Chinese Fir Plantation on Soil Properties in the 5~15 cm Layer RESEARCH ON EFFECT OF AMELIORATING SOIL PROPERTIES BY UNDERGROWTH VEGE TATION OF CHINA FIR THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS AND FORECASTING MODELS OF BIOMASS OF UNDERGROWTH PLANT IN CHINESE FIR PLANTATION EFFECTS OF UNDERGROWTH PLANT ON SOIL FERTILITY IN CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Species Diversity in Undergrowth of Artificial Forests on Lower Hilly Land

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