Research progress on the effects of soil freeze-thaw on plant physiology and ecology Germination responses of three medicinal licorices to saline environments and their suitable ecological regions Research Progress of Radiation/ Desiccation Response Motif in Deinococcus radiodurans EFFECTS OF GAMMA IRRADIATION ON THE SPERM TRANSMISSION AND OVIPOSITION RESPONSE IN Helicoverpa armigera (L.NOCTUIDAE) Gap Phase Regeneration in Mid-Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in Wanmulin, Fujian Feeding and parasitic functional responses of the parasitoid Aphelinus asychis Walker to green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) Analysis of Genetic Parameters of Main Traits in Sweet Sorghum Dynamics of Species Composition and Regeneration Rules in the Gaps of Pinus bungeana forest Gaps in Huanglong Mountain,Shaanxi Province Evaluation of potential control ability of Snellenius manilae (Ashmead) against Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) The Current Annual Increment Response of Yong Chinese Fir Plantation to Fertilization on Granite Yellow red Earth REGENERATION RESPONSE OF MAIN TREE SPECIES TO GAP SIZE AND GAP DEVELOPMENT PHASE IN THE KOREAN PINE-BROADLEAVED FOREST IN JIAOHE,NORTHEAST CHINA Comparative genetic analysis of Arabidopsis purple acid phosphatases AtPAP10, AtPAP12, and AtPAP26 provides new insights into their roles in plant adaptation to phosphate deprivation Transcriptional Regulation and Signaling in Phosphorus Starvation: What About Legumes? Repellent effect of non-host vegetables and their extracts on Pieris rapae L. The effect of climate change on vegetation at high latitudes of the northern Hemisphere:a functional analysis Dynamics of major forest vegetations in Tiantong National Forest Park during the last 30 years. Review of indexes for evaluating plant response to elevated near-surface ozone concentration Response of Root to Na+ and Changes of Vascular Tissue of Two Glycyrrhiza Species under NaCl Stress The Response of Young Slash Pine Plantation to Fertilization on the Shale Red Soil Direct Selection Response for Flowering Traits in Four Tropical and Subtropical Maize Populations by Mass Selection