Enrichment of heavy metals in the seagrass bed of Liusha Bay Characteristics of seagrass seed and restoration of seagrass bed Assessing establishment success and suitability analysis of Zostera marina transplants using staple method in northern lagoons Seagrass ecosystems: Contributions to and mechanisms of carbon sequestration. Clonality and its population genetic conseuqneces in seagrasses Stem and leaf anatomical structures of three seagrass species in Guangxi Research progress in seegrass seed dormancy, germination, and seedling growth and related affecting factors. Population dynamics and seed banks of the threatened seagrass Halophila beccarii in Pearl Bay, Guangxi Effect factors on the abundance of epiphytic algae on seagrasses Distribution and community characteristics of threatened seagrass Halophila beccarii in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan Nursery function of seagrass beds and its mechanisms Effect of environmental stress on non-structural carbohydrates reserves and transfer in seagrasses Seagrass meadow ecosystem and its restoration: a review Progress in the study of seagrass ecology Review of seagrass biomass and primary production research