Molecular cloning, bioinformatics characterization, and gene expression analysis of full-length expansin gene cDNA from Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Studies on triterpenoid saponins in Hemsleya chensnsis Studies on Effects of Xuedan on the Experimental Gastric Ulcer A New Species of Hemsleya Cogn. from Zhejiang Preliminary Study of Chemical Composition of the Elaiosome of Sloanea hemsleyana (lto) and Its Ecological Function to Attract Dispersal Agent EFFECTS ON N~+ ION IMPLANTATION ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERS OF Sloanea hemsleyana SEEDS Experimental study on total saponins from Hemsleya chinensis for their anti-atherosclerotic effects in rabbits Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic characteristics in Hemsleya zhejiangensis Changed accumulation of active ingredient in different localities and growth period of Hemsleya zhejiangensis (Cucurbitaceae) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of major constituents in Tetrastigma hemsleyanum by HPLC-Q-TOF-MS and UPLC-QqQ-MS A Survey on Botanical Origins of Chinese Drug Caowu Produced in Sichuan THE EXPLOITATION AND UTILIZATION IN NATURAL RESOURCES OF HEMSLEYA Saponins from Hemsleya amabilis Studies on The Cliemical Constituents of Hemsleya pengxianensis W. J. Cltang Chemical constituents in root tuber of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum and their anti-oxidative activities Materia ad Floram Cucurbitacearum Sinensium — Hemsleya Cogn. Chemical Constituents of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels. et Gilg Studies on Chemical Constituents of Hemsleya graciliflora (Harms) Cogn. A NEW SPECIES ON MEDICINAL PLANTS OF GENUS HEMSLEYA FROM GUANGXI TWO SAPONINS ISOLATED FROM HEMSLEYA DOLICHOCARPA THE 0LEANOLIC ACID AND ECHINOCYSTIC AClD FIRM HEMSLEYA MITRATA Research progress on chemical constituents and biological activities of plants from Hemsleya Cogn. Study on leaf transpiration and stomatal structure of medicinal plant Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Hemsley Melodinus (Melodinus hemsleyanus) Diterpenoid Alkaloids of Aconitum Hemsleyanum Comparison on accumulation of flavonoids in loose and compact callus suspension cell culture of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Comparison on accumulation of flavonoids in loose and compact callus suspension cell culture of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum New C-glycosylflavones from Tetrastigma hemsleyanum (Vitaceae) New Triterpenoid Glycosides from Hemsleya penxianensis var. gulinensis

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