The Analysis of Digital Gene Expression About Kernel Apricot Flower Buds at Three Development Stages Studies on chemical constituents of aqueous extract of Lonicera japonica flower buds Studies on Formation of Flower Bud and Prerequisite of Flowering in Vitro in Gentiana manshurica Kitag Comparative Analysis on the Metabolic Compositions of Flower Bud and Rachis of Tussilago farfara Based on GC-MS Fingerprinting Approach Morphological Observation on Flower Bud Differentiation and Influences of Storage Conditions on the Quantity of Flower Buds of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Studies on flower bud differentiation in ‘‘‘‘Kyoho‘‘‘‘ grapevine Studies on endogenous hormone changes in the stem terminal of Gossypium hirsutum during flower bud differentiation STUDY ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF LONGDAY TREATMENT ON PHARBITIS NIL Ⅱ.THE RELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT DARK LENGTH PHOTOPERIODS AND FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND GENE EXPRESSION IN THE COTYLEDONS Monomer ginsenosides dynamic change of reproductive organs of Panax ginseng Studies on the Planting Technology of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz Changes of Metabolites and Flower Bud Differentiation of Camellia azalea THE EFFECT OF GETTING RID OF FLOWER BUDS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROODLAC The Effects of Bud-scale Removing and Chemical Treatments on Dormancy-release and Phenolics of Sweet Cherry Flower Buds The Effects of Bud-scale Removing and Chemical Treatments on Dormancy-release and Phenolics of Sweet Cherry Flower Buds Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile Morphological Differentiation of the Flower Bud of Rosa persica Morphological Differentiation of Male Flower Bud of Ginkgo biloba L. The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ Effects of Gibberellin3 on Leaf Lignin levels, Related Enzymes and Flower Formation in Bayberry The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ Effects of Gibberellin3 on Leaf Lignin levels, Related Enzymes and Flower Formation in Bayberry Researches on Flower Bud Morphodiferentiation of Daphne odora var. narginata Morphological Observation on flower bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi Bulb Morphological Observation on flower bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi Bulb Changes of Endogenous Hormones During the Process of Flower Bud Differentiation of Welsh Onion Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Expression Analysis of Ovule Identity Gene homads1 During in Vitro Flowering of Hyacinthus orientalis L. Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ In itia tion and Development of Flower Buds in Forsythia suspensa Rule of growth and development on flower-bud of Mangifera indica cv.Zihuamang The Relationship between Flower Bud Differentiation of Torreya grandis and Nucleic Acid