Anti-transpirant studies and applications in agriculture Comprehensive research on the state of agricultural drought in five main grain producing areas in China Effects of transgenic BADH soybean on nitrogen transformation in saline-alkaline soil Effects of spatial and temporal scale on the surface temperature-vegetation index feature space Effect of intermittent drought on growth, antioxidant capacity and digestive enzyme activity of Pomacea canaliculata Optimized FAO-AEZ model for estimation of maize yield potential and dry matter accumulation for super-high yield cultivation Effects of fertilization and row spacing on microenvironment within population canopy and dry matter accumulation of waxy maize Modeling and visualization of three-dimensional young apple tree root growth under different modes of drip irrigation Simulation analysis of spring wheat grain yield response to mean daily minimum and maximum temperature in drylands Effect of straw mulching on drought resistance of summer maize in upland red soils Effect of potassium application rate on potassium absorption, distribution and yield of spring maize under different soil fertilities Analysis of agronomic traits of salt tolerant wheat under drought condition Effects of drought stress on root growth characteristics of peanut during mid-to-late growth stages Effects of combined high temperature and drought stress on amylose and protein contents at rice grain-filling stage Regulation mechanism of irrigation schedule on population photosynthesis of winter wheat Influence of drip irrigation under plastic film mulching on concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in soil A summer maize dressing decision-making model based on effective accumulated temperature Development and security of follow-up industries in returned farmland to forest/grass lands in Western Region of Shanxi Province Foliar nutrition diagnose of red Fuji apple during different periodsin the Weibei Dry Highland of Shaanxi Province Driving force and development strategies of agro-tourism in China Vulnerability evaluation and regionalization of drought disaster risk ofmaize in Northwestern Liaoning Province Marginal effect of soybean and peanut intercropped withmaize in upland red soils Response of dryland spring wheat yield to elevated CO2 concentration and temperature by APSIM model Effects of different cultivation management modes on dry matteraccumulation, nitrogen uptake and yield of winter wheat Effect of optimized application of nitrogen on nitrogen volatilization in Nicotiana tobacum shoots at rapid growth and maturity stages Growth kinetic model of Fusarium oxysporum under different pH Halophyte resources and community characteristics in different habitats with subsurface pipe drainage system Principle and practice of saline-alkali soil improvement via subsurface pipe engineering in coastal areas of East Hebei Province Evaluation of the rainfall effectiveness for reclaim of saline soil by subsurface pipe drainage system in coastal saline regions of Hebei Province Response of different peanut varieties to drought stress Field evaluation of the response and resistance to low temperature of alfalfa root with different root types during over-wintering Germination and seedling growth of ultra-dried alfalfa seed under alkali stress Effect of limited irrigation on diurnal variation in flag-leaf photosynthesis and yield of dryland wheat Effects of deficit irrigation on physio-ecological indices of winter wheat Resistance of Chinese wheat landraces and relatives at seedling stage to powdery mildew Changes and driving forces of land use/cover and landscape patterns in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region Comparative study on yield and economic benefits of rape under different planting and mulching patterns Effect of heavy metal Cu on compost materials property and oxidoreductase activity during pig waste composting Using SWAT to simulate runoff under different land use scenarios in Xiangjiang River Basin Relationship between indices of growth, physiology and reflectivity and yield of winter wheat under water stress